Speed Highlight JS

Light, fast, and easy to use syntax highlighter

Light 📦

  • The core is about 1kB (gzipped & minified)
  • Languages definition are from a few bytes to 1kB
  • Themes are about 1kB
  • Language rules needed are automatically loaded

Fast ⚡

Simple setup 🚀


Style/theme (in the header of your html file):

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/dist/themes/default.css">

In the body of your html file:

<div class='shj-lang-[code-language]'>[code]</div>
<code class='shj-lang-[code-language]'>[inline code]</code>

Highlight the code (in your javascript):

import { highlightAll } from '/path/dist/index.js'


import { setTheme, printHighlight } from 'https://x.nest.land/speed_highlight_js/dist/deno.js';

await setTheme('default');
printHighlight('code', 'js', false);

Languages supported 🌐

Name Class name Support
javascipt shj-lang-js basic syntax, regex, jsdoc, json, template literals
regex shj-lang-regex count, set, ...
sql shj-lang-sql number, string, function, ...
csv shj-lang-csv punctuation, ...
git shj-lang-git comment, insert, deleted, string, ...
plain shj-lang-plain
toml shj-lang-toml comment, table, string, bool, variable
yaml shj-lang-yaml comment, numbers, variable, string, bool
http shj-lang-http keywork, string, punctuation, variable, version
log shj-lang-log number, string, comment, errors
json shj-lang-json string, number, bool, ...
css shj-lang-css comment, str, selector, units, function, ...
brainfuck shj-lang-bf increment, operator, print, comment
typescript shj-lang-ts js syntax, ts keyword, types


Name Description/Usage
deleted Deleted part
err Errors
var Variable key
section A section delimiter
kwd Language keyword
class Class definition and usage
cmnt Comments
insert Inserted part
type Types
func Function call and definition
bool Boolean values
num Numbers
oper Operators
str String

Create new languages

To create a new language rules:

Create a file languages/[new-language-name].js

The default export of that file should be an array of object containing all the matching rules

The highlighter will try every match and will take the one with the smallest index in the string, in the case where two matches start at the same spot the first in the array will be kept

For example:

export default [
        // All regex match property should have the global flag
        match: /helloworld/g,
        // specify the type of token this match is
        type: 'kwd'
        match: /script: .*/g,
        // will load and apply the rules of these languages to the match
        sub: 'a language name'
        // will be use one of the match from the common.js file
        extand: 'str'
        match: /script: .*/g,
        sub: [
            // inline sub language
//default color
export let type = "oper";

Themes ✨

A modern theme by default


Create new theme/styles

In your css file you can import the default styling, then useful things to change can be:

/* token style */
.shj-syn-[token-name] {color...}
/* line numbering style */
.shj-numbers {color...}
/* inline mode style */
code[class*="shj-lang-"] {...}
/* multiline mode style */
[class*="shj-lang-"]:not(code) {...}
/* both */
[class*="shj-lang-"] {default color, background...}
/* header with language name */
[class*="shj-lang-"]:not(code):before {...}

License 📃

Shj is released under the Creative Commons Zero License. See our LICENSE file for details.