Speed Highlight JS

Light, fast, and easy to use, dependencies free javascript syntax highlighter, with automatic language detection, try it out here

Light 📦

  • The core is about 1kB (gzipped & minified)
  • Languages definition are from a few bytes to 1kB
  • Themes are about 1kB
  • Language rules needed are automatically loaded

Fast ⚡

Blazing fast highlighting using regex

Simple setup 🚀


Style/theme (in the header of your html file):

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/dist/themes/default.css">

In the body of your html file:

<div class='shj-lang-[code-language]'>[code]</div>
<code class='shj-lang-[code-language]'>[inline code]</code>

Highlight the code (in your javascript):

import { highlightAll } from '/path/dist/index.js'

Auto language detection

import { highlightElement } from '../src/index.js';
import { detectLanguage } from '../src/detect.js';

elm.textContent = code;
highlightElement(elm, detectLanguage(code));


import ... from 'https://unpkg.com/speed_highlight_js/dist/index.js'
import ... from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/matubu/speed_highlight_js/dist/index.js'


Use the deno module

import { setTheme, printHighlight } from 'https://x.nest.land/speed_highlight_js/dist/term.js';

await setTheme('default');
printHighlight('console.log("hello")', 'js');


Use the npm package

npm install speed_highlight_js
const { setTheme, printHighlight } = require('speed_highlight_js/dist/node/term.js');

printHighlight('console.log("hello")', 'js');

Languages supported 🌐

Name Class name Support Language detection
bash shj-lang-bash
brainfuck shj-lang-bf increment, operator, print, comment
css shj-lang-css comment, str, selector, units, function, ...
csv shj-lang-csv punctuation, ...
diff shj-lang-diff
git shj-lang-git comment, insert, deleted, string, ...
html shj-lang-html
http shj-lang-http keywork, string, punctuation, variable, version
ini shj-lang-ini
javascipt shj-lang-js basic syntax, regex, jsdoc, json, template literals
jsdoc shj-lang-jsdoc
json shj-lang-json string, number, bool, ...
leanpub-md shj-lang-leanpub-md
log shj-lang-log number, string, comment, errors
lua shj-lang-lua
makefile shj-lang-make
markdown shj-lang-md
perl shj-lang-pl
plain shj-lang-plain
python shj-lang-py
regex shj-lang-regex count, set, ...
sql shj-lang-sql number, string, function, ...
todo shj-lang-todo
toml shj-lang-toml comment, table, string, bool, variable
typescript shj-lang-ts js syntax, ts keyword, types
uri shj-lang-uri
yaml shj-lang-yaml comment, numbers, variable, string, bool
docker shj-lang-docker
c shj-lang-c
xml shj-lang-xml
rust shj-lang-rs
go shj-lang-go
java shj-lang-java
asm shj-lang-asm

Themes 🌈

A modern theme by default

Name Terminal Web

Wiki 👀

Further in-depth documentation for the API and other topics is in our Wiki

License 📃

Shj is released under the Creative Commons Zero License. See our LICENSE file for details.