
Deno KV

Since version 1.32, Deno has a built in key-value store that durably persists data on disk, allowing for data storage and access across service and system restarts.

The key-value store is designed to be fast and easy to use. Keys are sequences (arrays) of JavaScript types like string, number, bigint, boolean, and Uint8Array. Values are arbitrary JavaScript primitives, objects, and arrays.

The store supports seven different operations that can be composed together to support many use-cases and enable persistence for most common patterns in modern web applications. Atomic operations are available that allow grouping of any number of modification operations into a single atomic transaction.

All data in the KV store is versioned, which allows atomic operations to be conditional on versions in storage matching the value that user code expected. This enables optimistic locking, enabling virtual asynchronous transactions.

All writes to the KV store are strongly consistent and immediately durably persisted. Reads are strongly consistent by default, but alternative consistency modes are available to enable different performance tradeoffs.

⚠️ Deno KV is currently experimental and subject to change. While we do our best to ensure data durability, data loss is possible, especially around Deno updates. We recommend that you backup your data regularly and consider storing data in a secondary store for the time being.

Getting started

⚠️ Because Deno KV is currently experimental and subject to change, it is only available when running with --unstable flag in Deno CLI.

All operations on the key-value store are performed via the Deno.Kv API.

A database can be opened using the Deno.openKv() function. This function optionally takes a database path on disk as the first argument. If no path is specified, the database is persisted in a global directory, bound to the script that Deno.openKv() was called from. Future invocations of the same script will use the same database.

Operations can be called on the Deno.Kv. The three primary operations on the database are get, set, and delete. These allow reading, writing, and deleting individual keys.

// Open the default database for the script.
const kv = await Deno.openKv();

// Persist an object at the users/alice key.
await kv.set(["users", "alice"], { name: "Alice" });

// Read back this key.
const res = await kv.get(["users", "alice"]);
console.log(res.key); // [ "users", "alice" ]
console.log(res.value); // { name: "Alice" }

// Delete the key.
await kv.delete(["users", "alice"]);

// Reading back the key now returns null.
const res2 = await kv.get(["users", "alice"]);
console.log(res2.key); // [ "users", "alice" ]
console.log(res2.value); // null

The list operation can be used to list out all keys matching a specific selector. In the below example all keys starting with some prefix are selected.

await kv.set(["users", "alice"], { birthday: "January 1, 1990" });
await kv.set(["users", "sam"], { birthday: "February 14, 1985" });
await kv.set(["users", "taylor"], { birthday: "December 25, 1970" });

// List out all entries with keys starting with `["users"]`
for await (const entry of kv.list({ prefix: ["users"] })) {

Note: in addition to prefix selectors, range selectors, and constrained prefix selectors are also available.

In addition to individual get, set, and delete operations, the key-value store supports atomic operations that allow multiple modifications to take place at once, optionally conditional on the existing data in the store.

In the below example, we insert a new user only if it does not yet exist by performing an atomic operation that has a check that there is no existing value for the given key:

const key = ["users", "alice"];
const value = { birthday: "January 1, 1990" };
const res = await kv.atomic()
  .check({ key, versionstamp: null }) // `null` versionstamps mean 'no value'
  .set(key, value)
if (res) {
  console.log("User did not yet exist. Inserted!");
} else {
  console.log("User already exists.");


The KV docs are not yet complete.


  • API Reference
  • [Key Space][./kv/key_space.md]
  • [Operations][./kv/operations.md]
  • Consistency (TODO)
  • Limits (TODO)
  • Performance (TODO)
  • Backups & durability (TODO)
