
NPM: @hexagon\webauthn | Deno.land: webauthn

Slim Webauthn library with ES6, Node and Deno support. Heavily based on fido2-lib, but with it's own set of pros (and cons).

Currently in pre-release

Node.js CI Deno CI npm version NPM Downloads MIT License jsdelivr

Demo/Example for both Deno and Node available at github.com/Hexagon/webauthn-skeleton/tree/server/deno

Pros, compared to fido2-lib

  • Supports both Node and Deno with the same code base
  • Simplified dependency tree. Less duplicates, and less dependencies overall.
  • ToDo: Make this list complete with explanations

Cons, compared to fido2-lib

  • Lacks all Attestation-modes except "none"
  • Lacks MDS
  • All automated tests of fido2-lib isn't implemented
  • This library should be considered experimental, in comparison.



npm install @hexagon/webauthn --save


// ESM Import ...
import webauthn from "@hexagon/webauthn";

// ... or CommonJS Require
const webauthn = require("@hexagon/webauthn");


import webauthn from "@hexagon/webauthn";

// ...



import webauthn from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/hexagon/webauthn@0/src/deno/webauthn.js";

// ...


import { webauthn } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/hexagon/webauthn@0/src/deno/webauthn.js";

// ...


Full documentation available at hexagon.github.io/webauthn.


Assuming you have imported webauthn as described under 'Installation'.

@hexagon/webauthn uses the same interface as fido2-lib

Examples from github.com/webauthn-open-source/fido2-lib:

Instantiate Library (Simple):

// create a new instance of the library
var f2l = new Webauthn();

Instantiate Library (Complex):

// could also use one or more of the options below,
// which just makes the options calls easier later on:
var f2l = new Fido2Lib({
    timeout: 42,
    rpId: "example.com",
    rpName: "ACME",
    rpIcon: "https://example.com/logo.png",
    challengeSize: 128,
    attestation: "none",
    cryptoParams: [-7, -257],
    authenticatorAttachment: "platform",
    authenticatorRequireResidentKey: false,
    authenticatorUserVerification: "required"


var registrationOptions = await f2l.attestationOptions();

// make sure to add registrationOptions.user.id
// save the challenge in the session information...
// send registrationOptions to client and pass them in to `navigator.credentials.create()`...
// get response back from client (clientAttestationResponse)

var attestationExpectations = {
    challenge: "33EHav-jZ1v9qwH783aU-j0ARx6r5o-YHh-wd7C6jPbd7Wh6ytbIZosIIACehwf9-s6hXhySHO-HHUjEwZS29w",
    origin: "https://localhost:8443",
    factor: "either"
var regResult = await f2l.attestationResult(clientAttestationResponse, attestationExpectations); // will throw on error

// registration complete!
// save publicKey and counter from regResult to user's info for future authentication calls


var authnOptions = await f2l.assertionOptions();

// add allowCredentials to limit the number of allowed credential for the authentication process. For further details refer to webauthn specs: (https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-2/#dom-publickeycredentialrequestoptions-allowcredentials).
// save the challenge in the session information...
// send authnOptions to client and pass them in to `navigator.credentials.get()`...
// get response back from client (clientAssertionResponse)

var assertionExpectations = {
    // Remove the following comment if allowCredentials has been added into authnOptions so the credential received will be validate against allowCredentials array.
    // allowCredentials: [{
    //     id: "lTqW8H/lHJ4yT0nLOvsvKgcyJCeO8LdUjG5vkXpgO2b0XfyjLMejRvW5oslZtA4B/GgkO/qhTgoBWSlDqCng4Q==",
    //     type: "public-key",
    //     transports: ["usb"]
    // }],
    challenge: "eaTyUNnyPDDdK8SNEgTEUvz1Q8dylkjjTimYd5X7QAo-F8_Z1lsJi3BilUpFZHkICNDWY8r9ivnTgW7-XZC3qQ",
    origin: "https://localhost:8443",
    factor: "either",
    publicKey: "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n" +
        "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAERez9aO2wBAWO54MuGbEqSdWahSnG\n" +
        "MAg35BCNkaE3j8Q+O/ZhhKqTeIKm7El70EG6ejt4sg1ZaoQ5ELg8k3ywTg==\n" +
        "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n",
    prevCounter: 362
var authnResult = await f2l.assertionResult(clientAssertionResponse, assertionExpectations); // will throw on error

// authentication complete!

Full demo for both Deno and Node available at github.com/Hexagon/webauthn-skeleton/tree/server/deno


See Contribution Guide for general guidelines.


Node commands

Command Description
npm run build Run all sort of node checks, good before comitting
npm run build:docs Rebuild documentation, good before releasing
npm run test Run Node tests, good after code changes
npm run test:coverage Run Node tests with coverage (included in build)
npm run test:lint Run eslint (included in build)
npm run test:lint:fix Run eslint try to fix linting errors
npm run test:lint:fix Run eslint try to fix linting errors

Deno commands

Command Description
deno fmt --check test/deno src/deno Check linting of Deno files
npm run test:lint Check linting of Deno files
deno test test/deno Run deno tests
npm run test:deno .. or Run deno tests

File structure

Path Description
/src/common Source code base folder
/src/common/attestation Attestation plug-ins
/src/common/tools Bundled dependencies
/src/deno/webauthn.js Deno entrypoint
/src/deno/toolbox.js Deno external dependencies and shims
/src/node/webauthn.js Node entrypoint
/src/node/toolbox.js Node external dependencies and shims
/test/node Node tests
/test/deno Deno tests
/docs Documentation


The underlying code is heavily based on github.com/webauthn-open-source/fido2-lib
