ts_serialize ci release License: MIT

A zero dependency library for serializing data.

ts_serialize can help you with:

  • converting camelCase class members to snake_case JSON properties for use with a REST API
  • excluding internal fields from REST API payloads
  • converting data types to an internal format, for expamle: Date's

Supported Serialize Types



Add the https://github.com/gamebridgeai/ts_serialize.git#v1.0.0 to your deps.ts file and export what you need.


Add the URL to your package.json file in dependencies

  "dependencies": {
    "ts_serialize": "git+https://github.com/gamebridgeai/ts_serialize.git#v1.0.0"



Import Serializable and SerializeProperty, extend Serializable with your class and use the SerializeProperty decorator on any properties you want serialized. Passing a string as an argument to SerializeProperty causes the property to use that name as the key when serialized.

class Test extends Serializable<Test> {
  propertyOne = "Hello";
  propertyTwo = "World!";
  notSerialized = "not-serialized";

assert(new Test().toJson(), `{"propertyOne":"Hello","property_two":"World!"}`);
const test = new Test().fromJson(
  `{"propertyOne":"From","property_two":"Json!", "notSerialized": "changed" }`
assertEquals(test.propertyOne, "From");
assertEquals(test.propertyTwo, "Json!");
assertEquals(test.notSerialized, "not-serialized");


SerializeProperty also excepts an options object with the properties:

  • serializedName (Optional) {string} - Used as the key in the serialized object
  • toJsonStrategy (Optional) {ToJsonStrategy} - Function or ToJsonStrategy used when serializing
  • fromJsonStrategy (Optional) {FromJsonStrategy} - Function or FromJsonStrategy used when deserializing


Strategies are functions or a composed list of functions to execute on the values when serializing or deserializing. The functions take one argument which is the value to process.

const myCustomFromJsonStrategy = (v: string): string => BigInt(v);
const myCustomToJsonStrategy = (v: BigInt): string => v.toString();

class Test extends Serializable<Test> {
    serializedName: "big_int",
    fromJsonStrategy: myCustomFromJsonStrategy,
    toJsonStrategy: myCustomToJsonStrategy,
  bigInt!: BigInt;

const mockObj = new Test().fromJson(`{"big_int":"9007199254740991"}`);
assertEquals(mockObj.bigInt.toString(), "9007199254740991");
assertEquals(mockObj.toJson(), "9007199254740991");


Dates can use the fromJsonStrategy to revive a serilaized string into a Date object. ts_serialize provides a ISODateFromJson function to parse ISO Dates.

class Test extends Serializable<Test> {
    fromJsonStrategy: ISODateFromJson,
  date!: Date;

const mockObj = new Test().fromJson(`{"date":"2020-06-04T19:01:47.831Z"}`);
assert(mockObj.date instanceof Date);
assertEquals(mockObj.date.getFullYear(), 2020);

createDateStrategy() can be use to make a reviving date strategy. Pass a regex to make your own.

const fromJsonStrategy = createDateStrategy(/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$/);

class Test extends Serializable<Test> {
  @SerializeProperty({ fromJsonStratege })
  date!: Date;

const mockObj = new Test().fromJson(`{"date":"2099-11-25"}`);
assert(mockObj.date instanceof Date);
assertEquals(mockObj.date.getFullYear(), 2099);


Inherited classes override the key when serializing. If you override a propery any value used for that key will be overridden by the child value. With collisions the child always overides the parent

class Test1 extends Serializable<Test1> {
  serializeMe = "nice1";

class Test2 extends Test1 {
  serializeMeInstead = "nice2";

const test = new Test2();
assertEquals(test.serializeMe, "nice1");
assertEquals(test.serializeMeInstead, "nice2");
assertEquals(test.toJson(), `{"serialize_me":"nice2"}`);

Nested Class Serialization


class Test1 extends Serializable<Test1> {
  serializeMe = "nice1";

class Test2 extends Serializable<Test2> {
    serializedKey: "serialize_me_2",
  nested: Test1 = new Test1();

const test = new Test2();
assertEquals(test.toJson(), `{"serialize_me_2":{"serialize_me_1":"nice1"}}`);


class Test1 extends Serializable<Test1> {
  serializeMe = "nice1";

class Test2 extends Serializable<Test2> {
    serializedKey: "serialize_me_2",
    fromJsonStrategy: (json) => new Test1().fromJson(json),
  nested!: Test1;

const test = new Test2();
test.fromJson(`{"serialize_me_2": { "serialize_me_1":"custom value"}}`);
assertEquals(test.nested.serializeMe, "custom value");

Mulitple strategy functions

toJsonStrategy and fromJsonStrategy also have provided functions with the same name to build out strategies with multiple functions.

const addWord = (word: string) => (v: string) => `${v} ${word}`;
const shout = (v: string) => `${v}!!!`;
const fromJsonStrategy = fromJsonStrategy(addWord("World"), shout);

class Test extends Serializable<Test> {
  @SerializeProperty({ fromJsonStrategy })
  property!: string;

assertEquals(new Test().fromJson(`{"property":"Hello"}`), "Hello World!!!");

Built With


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct and DEVELOPMENT.md for setting up an environment to submit pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
