Simple Math for 2D Shapes

This code contains 2D Vector operations and other associated 2D shape math utilities.

It is not intended to be fast or precise. No Web Assembly, no optimization tricks, just plain TS code. For real math avoid this lib and use the GPU instead.

Current version: v1.0.0

Example usage

This lib provides the Map2D, Set2D and Vector2D objects.


Map2D is a Map of 2D coordinates to some value. It can map pairs of (x,y) numbers to a value. It is useful for 2D grids, where each cell can have a value.

The API is kept similar to the JavaScript Map API.

For more information please use deno doc on the command line.


import { Map2D } from ""

// Start by creating a new Map2D()

const grid = new Map2D();

// Add some values to it
grid.set({ x: 123, y: 321 }, { r: 0, g: 192, b: 40 });
// ^ The key is (123, 321) and the value is the object { r: 0, g: 192, b: 40 }.

// Keys can be specified with just their x, y number values by calling `setXY`
grid.setXY(123, 321, { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 });
// ^ Replaces the previous value set

// Iterate through the Map2D values with the common JS aproaches:
const allValues = [...grid.values()]; // [{ r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 }]

for(const [x,y] of grid.keys()) {
  console.log(x, y);

for(const [[x, y], value] of grid.entries()) {
  // Do something with both keys and values


Set2D is a Set of 2D coordinates. It can keep pairs of (x,y) numbers, and test if a given pair is present. It is useful to test the uniqueness of 2D values.

The API is kept similar to the JavaScript Set API.

For more information please use deno doc on the command line.


import { Set2D } from ""

// Start by creating a new Set2D()

const unique = new Set2D();

// Add some values to it
unique.add({ x: 123, y: 321 });

// Values can be specified with just their x, y numbers values by calling `addXY`
unique.addXY(1337, 7331);

console.log(unique.has({ x: 123, y: 321 })); // prints "true"

// Iterate through the Set2D values with the common JS aproaches:
const allValues = [...unique.values()];
// ^ [{ x: 123, y: 321 }, { x: 1337, y: 7331 }]

for(const [x,y] of unique.keys()) {
  console.log(x, y);

for(const [[x, y], value] of unique.entries()) {
  // Do something with both keys and values
  // [[x, y], { x, y }]


Vector2D represents a 2D point or vector. It is an object with x and y number attributes.

The (x,y) attributes are readonly.

For more information please use deno doc on the command line.


import { Vector2D } from ""

const v1 = new Vector2D(); // Creates a (0, 0) 2d point
const v2 = new Vector2D(123, 123); // Creates a (123, 123) 2d point

console.log(v1.isEqual(v2)); // prints "false"

const v3 = new Vector2D(100, 100); // Creates a (100, 100) 2d point

// Check if v3 is in the same line as v1 and v2
console.log(Vector2D.isBetween(v1, v2, v3)); // prints "true"

Developer notes

The main file and code flow entry point is simple_shape_math.ts.

If you are interested in contributing this is a cool place to start reading the code.

Make commands

This project uses make to do the build automation and developer environment.

The Makefile has the following main actions:

  • make build

Use this command to generate the final production files into the build/ folder. Make sure that make clean was run previously.

  • make clean

Use this command to clean the build folder.

  • make test

Use this command to run the tests.