Serve SPA

deno doc

Make frontend apps with Deno.


  • Compiles TypeScript and JSX on the fly.
  • Injects your Deno importMap into HTML files.


import { serveSpa } from "";

Deno.serve({ port }, async (request) => {
  return await serveSpa(request, {
    fsRoot: "./web",
    indexFallback: true,
    alias: {
      "/favicon.png": "../logo.png",
      "/utils/*": "../utils/",
    importMapFile: "./deno.json",

Use as a command

serve_spa - Make frontend apps with Deno

  deno run -A [OPTIONS] [<fsRoot>]

    Root directory to serve files from. Default is the current directory.

  -h, --help
    Prints help.

  -p, --port <port>
    Port to listen on. Default is 8123.

    Enable CORS via the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header.

    Suppress log messages from output.

    Fallback to /index.html when a file is not found.

  --alias <urlPath=fsPath>
    Map a URL path to a filesystem path. 
    urlPath must begin with a slash (/).
    urlPath can end with a star (*) to match all sub paths.
    fsPath should be relative to the fsRoot.
    Can be used multiple times.

  --import-map-file <path>
    Path to import map file.
    When specified, injects the import map into every HTML file.
    Use this to use your Deno import maps in the browser.