Documentation | Getting started


Do not use in production, prefer fresh from denoland if you need support


the rotten logo: a rotten sliced lemon dripping with juice

Rotten is a next generation web framework, built for speed, reliability, and simplicity.

Some stand-out features:

  • Just-in-time rendering on the edge.
  • Island based client hydration for maximum interactivity.
  • Zero runtime overhead: no JS is shipped to the client by default.
  • No build step.
  • No configuration necessary.
  • TypeScript support out of the box.
  • Scoped CSS support with opt-in api.
  • SVG support support with opt-in api.
  • Less opinionated than Fresh

Why ?

I loved fresh but wanted a first-class CSS support, test other frameworks than preact, lower the cold start, a more simple api for islands and more. I ended doing a complete rewrite of fresh from scratch so I can tweak it myself but the same idea is here.

Basic usage

// ./islands/Counter.tsx
import { useState } from "";

export default (props) => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(props.start);
  return (
    <div className={props.className}>
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count - 1)}>-1</button>
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>+1</button>

// main.ts
import { serve } from "";
import { router } from "";
import {
} from "";
import { islandsRot, staticRot } from "";
import Counter from "./islands/Counter.tsx";

await serve(
    "GET@/": withRenderer({
      handler: (req: Request, ctx: Context) => ctx.render({ start: 1 }),
      Wrapper: ({ children }) => <body>{children}</body>,
      default: ({ data }) => (
        <Counter {} className={hydrate("Counter", data)} />
    "GET@/islands/*": withCtx(islandsRot.handler)(
      await islandsRot.setup({
        importMapURL: new URL("./import_map.json", import.meta.url),
        origin: new URL("./islands/", import.meta.url),
    "GET@/*": withCtx(staticRot.handler)({
      origin: new URL("./static/", import.meta.url),
  { port: 3000 }