Deno Random Prime Numbers


Generate random prime numbers with a desired bit-length and an optional number of tests.


Generate a Random Prime Number

randomPrime(bitlength, tests)


  • randomPrime() returns a bigint.
  • bitlength is a number.
  • tests is an optional number with a default value of 10.


import { randomPrime } from "";

// Generate a random 1024-bit prime number with 10 primality tests
var prime: bigint = randomPrime(1024)

// Generate a random 2048-bit prime number with 20 primality tests
var prime: bigint = randomPrime(2048, 20)

Test if a BigInt is a Prime Number with Miller-Rabin

isProbablePrime(candidate, tests)


  • isProbablePrime() returns a boolean.
  • candidate is a bigint.
  • tests is an optional number with a default value of 10.


import { isProbablePrime } from "";

// Have a number to test for primality
const candidate: bigint = 167n;

// Check if candidate is a probable prime with 10 primality tests
isProbablePrime(candidate) ? console.log("probable prime") : console.log("composite");


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