Minimal OpenAI Library

A minimal library for the OpenAI API.

The included functionality is:

  • Model Retrieval
  • Completions (text/code generation)
  • Edit
  • Image Generation
  • Moderation
  • Fine-tuning
  • Files

The missing features are:

  • Embeddings

You have to supply an API key to use the API. You can get one from OpenAI.


I decided to leave it as "unopinionated" as possible, so there are no default values for any of the parameters. You have to supply all of them.

import { OpenAI } from "";

const openai = new OpenAI('your-api-key');

const prompt = "const helloWorld = ("
const completion = await openai.createCompletion({
  model: "code-davinci-002",
  prompt: `${prompt}`,
  max_tokens: 400,
  temperature: 0,
  top_p: 1,
  n: 1,
  stream: false,
  logprobs: null,
  stop: "",


const moderation = await openai.createModeration({input: completion.choices[0].text})

const edit = await openai.createEdit({
  model: "text-edit-davinci-001"
  instruction: "Fix any spelling mistake"
  input: "I am a gewd speler"

const image = await openai.createImage({
  prompt: "an image of a brown cat holding a piece of pizza",
  n: 1,
  size: "1024x1024",
  response_format: "url"

const models = await openai.getModels()

The general steps for creating a fine tune model are the following

Use your model Id in future requests whether using the openAI api or the openAI playground