md6: A Deno Package Converts Markdown into HTML

md6 support math plugin syntax for pandoc and gitlab .

Example 1

File : ex1.js

import * as md6 from '../mod.ts'

let html = md6.toHtml(`
# Chapter

## Section 1

A link to [YouTube]( that you may click


This is an H1

This is an H2

## Math

Support pandoc and gitlab extension

### Pandoc syntax

An embedded $\int f(x) dx$ math expression.

\int f(x) dx

### Gitlab syntax

An embedded $\`\int f(x) dx\`$ math expression.

\int f(x) dx

## Conclustion




$ deno run ex1.js

<h1> Chapter</h1>

<h2> Section 1</h2>

<p>A link to <a href="" alt="">YouTube</a> that you may click</p>

  <img src="../img/image.jpg" alt=""></img>

<h1>This is an H1</h1>

<h2>This is an H2</h2>

<h2> Math</h2>

<p>Support pandoc and gitlab extension</p>

<h3> Pandoc syntax</h3>

<p>An embedded \(int f(x) dx\) math expression.</p>     

\[int f(x) dx\]

<h3> Gitlab syntax</h3>

<p>An embedded \(int f(x) dx\) math expression.</p>     

\[int f(x) dx\]

<h2> Conclustion</h2>


Show Math in Browser

You may use MathJax or KaTex to render the output html of md6.

The MathJax Example:

MathJax = {
  tex: {
    inlineMath: [['\\(', '\\)']],
    displayMath: [ ['\\[','\\]'] ]

<script id="MathJax-script" async src="">
