📃 XML parser and stringifier

JSR JSR Score NPM Coverage

✨ Features

  • Based on quick-xml rust package (compiled to WASM)
  • Support XML.parse and XML.stringify
  • Support <!-- --> comments
  • Support XML entities (&amp;, &#38;, &#x26;, ...)
  • Support mixed content (text and nodes)
  • Large output transformation options
    • Auto-flattening of nodes with a single child, text or attributes
    • Auto-revival of boolean, number, etc.
    • Auto-group same-named nodes into arrays
    • Formatting options (indentation, break lines, etc.)
    • Custom reviver and replacer functions
  • Metadata stored into non-enumerable properties for advanced usage

📜 License and credits

Copyright (c) Lecoq Simon <@lowlighter>. (MIT License)

This library used to be published at deno.land/x/xml and jsr.io/@lowlighter/xml. It was moved into jsr.io/@libs/xml starting version 5.0.0.

Version prior to 5.0.0 used to be fully written in TypeScript but it was rewritten in Rust to improve performances and support more features.