
wren: a small, but powerful HTTP library for Deno & Deno Deploy

Wren is a small, but powerful HTTP library for Deno & Deno Deploy, built for convenience and simplicity.

  • convenient aliases for HTTP responses
  • JSON responses for plain objects
  • built-in router based on URLPattern
  • out-of-the-box parsing for request's body (form & multipart)
  • TypeScript types augmenting the HTTP experiences, e.g. Middleware, Pipeline, RequestExtension
  • easily composable middlewares
import { serve } from "wren/mod.ts";
import { GET, POST } from "wren/route.ts";
import * as Response from 'wren/response.ts';

const routes = [
  GET('/', () => Response.OK('Hello, Wren')),
  POST('/form-post', ({ params }) => 
    Response.Created(`Received: ${JSON.stringify(params)}`)),

serve(routes, { port: 3000 });
