
A tiny store you can use to build tidy relationships.

import { store, computed } from 'vyce';

const authors = store([
    { name: 'haruki', age: 25 },
    { name: 'james', age: 32 },
    { name: 'agatha', age: 62 }

const youngAuthors = computed([authors], xs =>
    xs.filter(author => author.age < 40)

authors.set(prev => [
    { name: 'david', age: 28 },
    { name: 'lovecraft', age: 57 }

// [
//  { name: 'haruki', age: 25 },
//  { name: 'james', age: 32 },
//  { name: 'david', age: 28 }
// ]



npm install vyce


import { store, computed } from 'https://deno.land/x/vyce/index.js';


<script src="https://unpkg.com/vyce/dist/vyce.min.js"></script>

In the browser context, the default export name is vyce.

Browser (ESM)

<script type="module">
  import { store, computed } from 'https://unpkg.com/vyce/dist/vyce.js';

Try on Flems.io.


See index.d.ts for type definitions.

By default, stores created with vyce use a built-in deep clone function based on an algorithm adapted from klona. The default function is capable of cloning objects with JSON-valid data types. You may opt to use another deep clone utility should you have the need to clone more complex data types by providing clone in the config.

import { store } from 'vyce';
import { klona } from 'klona/full';

const state = store({ name: 'denam' }, { clone: klona });



import { store } from 'vyce';

const state = store({ name: 'denam' });
state.get(); // `{ name: 'denam' }`


import { store } from 'vyce';

const state = store({ name: 'denam' });
state.set(); // store is not changed
state.get(); // `{ name: 'denam' }`

state.set({ age: 18 }); // store is overwritten
state.get(); // `{ age: 18 }`

state.set(prev => ({ ...prev, name: 'catiua' }));
state.get(); // `{ age: 18, name: 'catiua' }`


The subscriber function is called once upon subscribing.

import { store } from 'vyce';

const state = store(10);
const unsub = state.sub(value => console.log(value)); // logs `10`

state.set(20); // logs `20`
state.set(30); // does not log anything


Calling end will release all subscriptions and clean up dependency stores, meaning subscriber functions will no longer be called upon updating the store.

import { store, computed } from 'vyce';

const foo = store(10);
const bar = store(20);

const rum = computed([foo, bar], (x, y) => x + y); // 30
const ham = computed([rum, bar], (x, y) => x + y); // 50

rum.end(); // breaks all listeners (ham), and also stops listening to foo and bar

bar.set(100); // does not affect rum, but *does* affect ham
console.log(rum.get()); // logs `30`

rum.set(0); // does not affect ham
console.log(ham.get()); // logs `130`


Inspired by flyd, klona, and Svelte Stores.