VoFarm - Volatility Farming

A peer 2 peer approach to increase price stability and to reduce price manipulation by exploiting non-fundamentals-based volatility.

This module leverages web3 and the exchange connectors.

Open Source Developers are invited to propose further strategies via Pull Requests.

Usage Examples Regarding Centralized Volatility Farming

deno run --allow-net https://deno.land/x/vofarm@v1.0.0/src/start-centralized-vofarming.ts <yourbybitapikey> <yourbybitapisecret> BybitConnector LongShortClassics VFLogger 0 22

Usage Examples Regarding Decentralized Volatility Farming

... under construction on Arbitrum ...

Unit Tests

deno test https://deno.land/x/vofarm/src/strategies/long-short-base-eth-strategy.spec.ts  

deno test https://deno.land/x/vofarm/src/strategies/long-short-base-btc-strategy.spec.ts  

For further examples you might want to check some - e.g. unit tests