
tag CI License: MIT tag

Validasaur is Deno validation library slightly inspired by Laravel Validation.


Basic Usage

Write your example.ts like this:

import { validate } from "";
import { required, isNumber } from "";

const inputs = {
  name: "",
  age: "20"

const [ passes, errors ] = await validate(inputs, {
  name: required,
  age: [required, isNumber]

console.log({ passes, errors });

Run code above with:

deno run example.ts

And this is the result:

  "passes": false,
  "errors": {
    "name": {
      "required": "name is required"
    "age": {
      "isNumber": "age must be a number"

Formatting Errors

If you want a simpler error message, you can use flattenMessages or firstMessages to format error messages.

For example:

import { validate, flattenMessages, firstMessages } from "";
import { required, isNumber } from "";

const inputs = {
  name: "",
  age: "20"

const [ passes, errors ] = await validate(inputs, {
  name: required,
  age: [required, isNumber]

const firstErrors = firstMessages(errors);
const flattenErrors = flattenMessages(errors);

// Show the difference
  defaultErrors: errors,


  "defaultErrors": {
    "name": {
      "required": "name is required"
    "age": {
      "isNumber": "age must be a number"
  "firstErrors": {
    "name": "name is required",
    "age": "age must be a number"
  "flattenErrors": {
    "name.required": "name is required",
    "age.isNumber": "age must be a number",
    "name": "name is required",
    "age": "age must be a number"

Custom Error Message

import { validate, flattenMessages } from "";
import {
} from "";

const inputs = {
  name: "",
  age: '12',

const [passes, errors] = await validate(inputs, {
  name: required,
  age: [required, isNumber],
}, {
  messages: {
    "name": "Nama tidak boleh kosong",
    "age.required": "Usia tidak boleh kosong",
    "age.isNumber": "Usia harus berupa angka",
    // Use this if you want same message for any rule fail
    // "age": "Usia tidak valid"

console.log({ passes, errors });


  "passes": false,
  "errors": {
    "name": {
      "required": "Nama tidak boleh kosong"
    "age": {
      "isNumber": "Usia harus berupa angka"

Validating Array and Object

import { validate, flattenMessages } from "";
import {
} from "";

const inputs = {
  name: "",
  age: "20",
  skills: ["PHP", "Node.js", 0, "Deno"],
  address: {
    street: null,
    city: "Jakarta",
    country: "Indonesia",

const [ passes, errors ] = await validate(inputs, {
  name: required,
  age: [required, isNumber],

  // validateArray(required: boolean, rules: Rule[])
  skills: validateArray(true, [isString]),

  // validateObject(required: boolean, rules: ValidationRule)
  address: validateObject(true, {
    street: required,
    city: required,
    country: required,

const flattenErrors = flattenMessages(errors);

console.log({ passes, flattenErrors });


  "passes": false,
  "flattenErrors": {
    "name.required": "name is required",
    "age.isNumber": "age must be a number",
    "skills.2.isString": "2 must be a string",
    "address.street.required": "street is required",
    "name": "name is required",
    "age": "age must be a number",
    "skills.2": "2 must be a string",
    "address.street": "street is required"

Available Rules


Value under this field should not be null, undefined, or an empty string ("").

  • Invalid values: null, undefined, ""
  • Valid values: "0", [], {}, 0, etc.

fileExists(pathPrefix: string)

Value under this field must be existed file.

For example you have file /var/www/media/image.jpg in your file system:

const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
  file1: "image.jpg",
  file2: "image.jpg",
  file3: "not-image.txt"
}, {
  file1: fileExists("/var/www/media"), // << this will be fail because it check "/var/www/mediaimage.jpg"
  file2: fileExists("/var/www/media/"), // << this will be pass
  file3: fileExists("/var/www/media/"), // << this will be fail because it check "/var/www/media/not-image.txt" that is not exists


Value under this field must be an array.

  • Invalid values: "", 10, 0.5, etc.
  • Valid values: [], [1, 2, 3], [{x: 10}, {x: 12}], etc.


Value under this field must be a boolean.

  • Invalid values: "", 10, 0.5, etc.
  • Valid values: true and false.


Value under this field must be valid email address.

  • Invalid values: "someone name", 123,, foo@bar@baz, etc.
  • Valid values: "", "", "someone@[]", etc.


Value under this field must be a float number.

  • Invalid values: "0.1", [], 0, 1, 123, etc.
  • Valid values: 0.1, 1.2, 12.345, etc.

isIn(allowedValues: PrimitiveTypes[])

Value under this field must be one of allowed values.


const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
  value1: "yes",
  value2: "no",
  value3: "maybe"
}, {
  value1: isIn(["yes", "no"]), // passes
  value2: isIn(["yes", "no"]), // passes
  value3: isIn(["yes", "no"]), // fail


Value under this field must be an integer.

  • Invalid values: 0.5, "123", etc.
  • Valid values: 0, 123, etc.


Value under this field must be a float or an integer.

  • Invalid values: "1", "1.5", etc.
  • Valid values: 1, 1.5, etc.


Same as asNumber, but it allows numeric string.

  • Invalid values: "1.0abc", "x.1", etc.
  • Valid values: 1, 1.5, "2", "2.5", etc.


Value under this field must be a string.

  • Invalid values: 1, 1.5, etc.
  • Valid values: "1", "1.5", "foo", etc.

lengthBetween(minLength: number, maxLength: number)

Value under this field must be a string that has char length between minLength and maxLength.


const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
  value1: 'foo',
  value2: 'foobar',
  value3: 'fo',
  value4: 'foobars',
}, {
  value1: lengthBetween(3, 6), // passes
  value2: lengthBetween(3, 6), // passes
  value3: lengthBetween(3, 6), // fail
  value4: lengthBetween(3, 6), // fail

maxLength(minValue: number)

Value under this field must be a string that has char length lower or equals maxValue.


const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
  value1: 'foobarbaz',
  value2: 'foobar',
}, {
  value1: maxLength(6), // fail
  value2: maxLength(6), // passes

maxNumber(maxValue: number)

Value under this field should be a number that is not higher than maxValue.


const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
  value1: 6,
  value2: 5.01,
  value3: 5,
  value4: 4
}, {
  value1: maxNumber(5), // fail
  value2: maxNumber(5), // fail
  value3: maxNumber(5), // passes
  value4: maxNumber(5), // passes

minLength(minValue: number)

Value under this field must be a string that has char length higher or equals minValue.


const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
  value1: 'foo',
  value2: 'foobar',
}, {
  value1: minLength(6), // fail
  value2: minLength(6), // passes

minNumber(minValue: number)

Value under this field should be a number that is not lower than minValue.


const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
  value1: 1,
  value2: 4.99,
  value3: 5,
  value4: 5.01,
}, {
  value1: minNumber(5), // fail
  value2: minNumber(5), // fail
  value3: minNumber(5), // passes
  value4: minNumber(5), // passes

notIn(disallowedValues: PrimitiveTypes[])

Value under this field must not be one of disallowed values.


const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
  value1: "yes",
  value2: "no",
  value3: "maybe"
}, {
  value1: notIn(["yes", "no"]), // fail
  value2: notIn(["yes", "no"]), // fail
  value3: notIn(["yes", "no"]), // passes


Value under this field must not be null.

numberBetween(minValue: number, maxValue: number)

Value under this field must be a number between minValue and maxValue.

const [ passes, errors ] = await validate({
  value1: 5,
  value2: 10,
  value3: 4.99,
  value4: 10.01,
}, {
  value1: numberBetween(5, 10), // passes
  value2: numberBetween(5, 10), // passes
  value3: numberBetween(5, 10), // fail
  value4: numberBetween(5, 10), // fail


  • isUrl rule.
  • isIpAddress rule.
  • isIpv4 rule.
  • isIpv6 rule.
  • startsWith rule to check string prefix.
  • endsWith rule to check string postfix.
  • add more examples to documentation.