🔌 Up

Check if a website is up right now in Deno.

Test CI

⭐ Getting started

Import the isUp function and use it:

import { isUp } from "https://deno.land/x/up/mod.ts";

const result = await isUp("https://google.com"); // true

CLI with DPX

After installing DPX, you can directly use the CLI using the dpx command:

dpx up https://google.com


Alternatively, you can use it directly from the CLI:

deno run --allow-net https://deno.land/x/up/mod.ts https://google.com

You can also install it globally using the following:

deno install --allow-net -n up https://deno.land/x/up/mod.ts

Then, the package is available to run:

up https://google.com # Result: https://google.com is up


Required permissions:

  1. --allow-net

👩‍💻 Development

Run tests:

deno test --allow-net

📄 License

MIT © Denorg

A project by Denorg, the world's first Deno-focused community
organization and consulting company. Work with us →