Update Deno Dependencies

Run this script to update your dependency urls to the latest published versions.


Prior to updating each url, the updater optionally runs the passed --test(s) to ensure that updating is non-breaking.



Use deno install command:

deno install -A -f udd https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hayd/deno-udd/0.0.4/main.ts

You may need to include the deno bin directory in your PATH.


For example, suppos to update url imports inside deps.ts run:

udd deps.ts

To ensure that both deno fetch main.ts and deno test don't error:

udd deps.ts --test="deno fetch main.ts" --test="deno test"


// deps.ts (before)
export { decode } from "https://deno.land/std@v0.34.0/strings/decode.ts";

Running udd looks up the std versions to see that there is a more recent std release.

// deps.ts (after)
export { decode } from "https://deno.land/std@v0.35.0/strings/decode.ts";

Supported domains

udd supports the following registry domains:

Create an issue to request additional registries.

Logo by Drake Sauer.