

Create a quick rest api with JSON schema. Based on deno kv for storage and ajv for validation.

run locally

Create an .env file like this

  • SUPER_USER_KEY is what you are going to use to authenticate when managing collections
  • DB_PATH is where the data is going to be saved (if not defined, will use global deno kv store)
  • PORT the port on which the service runs (defaults to 3333)

Start the server

deno run --allow-net --allow-read --allow-write --allow-env --unstable local.ts

Why all these permissions?

  • --allow-net to accept incoming requests
  • --allow-read to read the database
  • --allow-write to write to the database
  • --allow-env to read the .env file
  • --unstable because deno kv still is

create your first collection

Make a POST request to /collections with name (string) and schema (the JSON schema) in the body and Authentication: Bearer $SUPER_USER_KEY in the headers.

manage access to the collection

Make a POST request to /collections/:name/access, with the same authentication and a body like:

  "key": "public",
  "get": true,
  "post": true,
  "patch": true,
  "put": true,
  "delete": true

This will allow anyone to make get, post, patch, put and delete requests to /api/:name endpoints. Restrict by omiting methods or setting them to false. By default only the super user has access to the endpoints.

The key public means the users do not need to be authenticated. If you want to use it with other keys than SUPER_USER_KEY but still not it being public, use whatever hard to guess string instead of public and use that in the authentication header. You can have multiple keys with different access.

see the example requests for more endpoints to manage collections.

use the api

Start the server and go to http://localhost:3333 (if you did not change the port) to see and try the available endpoints.

run on deno deploy

Create a project in https://dash.deno.com/projects

Add a SUPER_USER_KEY environment variable to manage collections.


deployctl deploy --project YOUR_PROJECT_NAME --token=YOUR_TOKEN deploy.ts