
A very small Express clone for Deno.

IMPORTANT: This does not yet support TLS or many other Express things.


First, import it:

import { App } from "";

Also, you may want to use logging:

import { Logger } from "";

Then, instantiate an App object:

const app = new App();

And set the logger:

app.useLogger(new Logger("app", true));

Then, you can add routes with useCustom, get, and post (which take regular expressions for paths):

app.get(/^\/$/, (match, req) => { // HTTP GET /, match is the RegExpMatchArray for the URL, and req is a Deno.RequestEvent object
    // Handle the request.
});^\/post-test$/, (match, req) => { // HTTP POST /post-test
    return new Promise((res, rej) => {
        // Handle the request asynchronously, if you wish.
app.useCustom(/^\/custom-test$/, async (match, req) => {
    // You can even return an async function!
}, 'PUT'); // Method goes way down here

You can add custom error pages using use404 and use500. These take an ErrorMiddleware handler, which takes no path match array:

app.use404(async (req) => {
    // send a response
app.use500(async (req) => {
    // send a response

Then, start the server:

app.serve({port: 8000});

It will print out a debug message once it is started.