
A compact, high-performance and full-featured template engine. References and thanks doT, EasyTemplateJS.


npm i tmplet

// CommonJS
const tmplet = require("tmplet");
const { init, compile, render, view } = require("tmplet");

// ES Module
import * as tmplet from "tmplet";
import { init, compile, render, view } from "tmplet";

// Deno
import * as tmplet from "";
import { init, compile, render, view } from "";


  • {{ }} Evaluate code snippet in javascript. Note that the variables do not need to be declared. ex. {{ result = 60*60; }}

  • {{= }} Interpolation. ex. {{= username }}

  • {{? }} {{?? }} {{? }} Conditional statement. ex.

{{? gender == 0 }}
{{?? gender == 1 }}
{{?? }}
{{? }}
  • {{~ }} {{~ }} Iterative statement. ex.
{{~ users:user:index }}
  <li>{{= index+1 }} - {{= }}<li>
{{~ }}
  • {{> }} Block placeholder.
  • {{< }} Block content definition.
{{> content }}

{{< content }}
  <h1>Hello tmplet.</h1>
{{< }}
  • {{@ }} Partial including in layout mode. You must be rendered by view(file, data) method.
// index.html
{{@ header.html }}

// header.html
<h1>Hello tmplet.</h1>


  • {{! }}
  • {{# }}
  • {{$ }}
  • {{% }}
  • {{^ }}
  • {{& }}
  • {{+ }}
  • {{- }}
  • {{* }}


  • init(options) Initialize custom options(not necessary).
  root: "template", // relative to the project root, default ""
  imports: { // Custom global properties or functions, default {}
    name: "",
    calc: () => {}
  • compile(tmpl) Compile the specify template text to a function.
  • render(tmpl, data) Compile and render the template with data.
  • view(file, data) Render the template file with data (using cache).