
A tiny, easy-to-use, zero-dependency package providing some math utils.


This package is available on jsr.io and compatible with any browsers and JavaScript runtimes.

To install:

# Deno
deno add @babia/tiny-math

# npm
npx jsr add @babia/tiny-math

# yarn
yarn dlx jsr add @babia/tiny-math

# pnpm
pnpm dlx jsr add @babia/tiny-math

# Bun
bunx jsr add @babia/tiny-math

For Deno user, this package is also available on deno.land/x

import * as math from "https://deno.land/x/tiny_math@$VERSION/mod.ts";

Remember to use imports with pinned version to avoid unintended changes.


Below are some examples of factorial, gcd and lcm. For more, see examples.


import { factorial } from "@babia/tiny-math";

console.log(factorial(0));     // 0! = 1
console.log(factorial(7));     // 7! = 5040
console.log(factorial(15));    // 15! = 1307674368000
console.log(factorial(20));    // 20! = 2432902008176640000

gcd and lcm

import { gcd, lcm } from "@babia/tiny-math";

console.log(gcd(27, 60));       // 3
console.log(gcd(24, 32, 21));   // 1
console.log(lcm(50, 90));       // 450
console.log(lcm(55, 30, 23));   // 7590


Please go to this page and navigate to any function you want to see.


This package is under MIT License.