Tiny env

Tiny env injects the configuration held by your .env file to the Deno environment.


At the top of your project, call the load() function included in the module as it shows below.

import { load } from 'https://deno.land/x/tiny_env/mod.ts'

After that, the environment variables inside of the .env file at the root of your project will be put into the Deno environment and accessible in the standard way (check the example below).



If you have your .env somewhere else, you can define a custom path at the moment of loading it as the example below:

import { load } from 'https://deno.land/x/tiny_env/mod.ts'
  dotEnvPath: '/custom/path/to/dotenv/file'


In order to make this work, the module needs access to the filesystem and the environment, please run your project with --allow-read and --allow-env flags to allow this.