Tiny Encodings

A companion library to join a few other tiny-* libraries.

This library provides reasonably fast implementations of:

  • Base64 Standard Encoding
  • Base64 URL Encoding
  • Base64 Standard Decoding
  • Base64 URL Decoding
  • Hex / Base16 Encoding
  • Hex / Base16 Decoding

Where decoding functions take strings and output a Uint8Arrays, and encoding functions take any buffer type (ArrayBuffer, Uint8Array, other typed arrays, and DataViews) and output a string.

Initially, this library was going to be the reference implementation, as seen in encoding_reference.ts. However, the reference implementation performance is abysmal.

Tiny-encodings mitigates Base64 Malleability by refusing mangled encoded inputs.

// NPM
// import { decodeBase64 } from "@levischuck/tiny-encodings";
// or Deno
// import { decodeBase64 } from "https://deno.land/x/tiny_encodings@version/encoding.ts";
import { decodeBase64 } from "./encoding.ts";

// returns a Uint8Array with the bytes for "Hello world"