simple URL validator with Typescript for Deno 🦕


Permssion Flags (Require):

  • --allow-net : for API Requests To Tinify Server
  • --allow-read : for read images and post it to server for compression process
  • --allow-write : for create new Image after compression process


You must have a valid Tinify API key (you can get your own from here)

If you need to save the compressed image to a server :

import { Tinify } from "";
// Read file frome the server
const img = await Deno.readFile('test/Uncompressed-image.jpg') ; 

// Image URL
const imgURL = ""

// Replace <API_KEY> with your tinify api key for more info visite
const tinify = new Tinify({

const compressedImage:any = await (await tinify.compress(img)) // Image compression process from Uint8Array encode (file)
const compressedImageFromURl:any = await (await tinify.compress(imgURL)) // Image compression process from url

console.log(await compressedImage.saveTo('test/Compressed-image.jpg')) // save new compressed image in the server


  input: { size: 402678, type: "image/jpeg" },
  output: {
    size: 168904,
    type: "image/jpeg",
    width: 1920,
    height: 1280,
    ratio: 0.4195,
    url: ""
  compressedImagePath: "test/Compressed-image.jpg"

If you need to convert the compressed image to base64 string :

const compressedImage:any = await (await tinify.compress(img)) // Image compression process from Uint8Array encode (file) or url

console.log(await compressedImage.toBase64())


  input: { size: 402678, type: "image/jpeg" },
  output: {
    size: 168904,
    type: "image/jpeg",
    width: 1920,
    height: 1280,
    ratio: 0.4195,
    url: ""
  base64Image: "base64 string of the compressed image"

After (Compressed):

  • Size: 168904 Byte (164.9 KB)

Comressed image This picture is taken from Unsplash Unsplash

Before (Original):

  • Size: 402678 Byte (393.2 KB)

Uncomressed image