A simple, tiny logger for deno that just works.


There are two ways to use timber, either from scratch with just mod.ts or using some defaults provided by extra.ts. Most projects will only need what you can find in extra.ts; you can always create new loggers as and when needed.


// you'll want to add a version too this
import { timber } from "https://deno.land/x/timber@vX.Y.Z/mod.ts";
// we'll also use some colour to spice things up
import { brightBlue } from "https://deno.land/std@0.111.0/fmt/colors.ts";

// here we make a simple info logger
const info = timber({
  name: { text: () => "?", style: brightBlue },
  log: console.info,

// and now we can use it whenever we would like
info("hello, world!");

Note: name, before, and after's text field is a function so that it can be updated over time. This is useful for timestamps and other such stuff.


// you'll want to add a version too this
import { info as tInfo } from "https://deno.land/x/timber@vX.Y.Z/extra.ts";

// the extras come with some settings that might not be to everyone's liking,
// so you get to finish the config before you can use it
const info = tInfo({ before: undefined });

// and now we can use it whenever we would like
info("hello, world!");


This is licenced under MIT; you can find out more in the provided LICENCE file.