
On Our Framework

Running 10s test @ http://localhost:3333
  2 threads and 10 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency   397.97us  497.73us   9.72ms   97.06%
    Req/Sec    14.48k     1.00k   16.18k    78.50%
  288023 requests in 10.00s, 39.00MB read
Requests/sec:  28800.79
Transfer/sec:      3.90MB

When Oak

Running 10s test @ http://localhost:8080/
  2 threads and 10 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency   633.04us    0.98ms  31.01ms   97.65%
    Req/Sec     8.79k     1.34k   14.73k    91.54%
  175770 requests in 10.10s, 46.94MB read
Requests/sec:  17402.96
Transfer/sec:      4.65MB

Usually 33%++ faster then Oak

Let See Example

import {
} from "";
import { serve } from "";
const _routes = [{
  path: "/checlk",
  handler: () => response.JSON("s"),
}, {
  path: "/checldk",
  method: "POST",
  handler: () => response.JSON("s"),
const routes = compile_routess(_route);
  async (req: Request): Promise<Response> => {
    return await new Router(routes).route(req);
  { port: 3333 },

If there is Method not present it get default to GET. If path is not there it will assume it is empty.


Every Controller should return new Response.

(() => response.JSON("s"));

Response Class

import { Session } from "./Session.ts";
export class response {
  //JSON return a Json response with session regenrate the cookie id 
  //and set new cookie. as old one exipre after a request.
  static async JSON(
    body: any,
    session?: Session,
    status?: number,
    header?: Record<string, string | null>,
  ) {
    return new Response(JSON.stringify(body), {
      status: status || 200,
      headers: {
        "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        ...(session && session.reactiveSession().returnCookie()),

  //JSONF return header and status with body
  static async JSONF(
    body: any,
    header: Record<string, string | null> = {},
    status?: number,
  ) {
    return new Response(JSON.stringify(body), {
      status: status || 200,
      headers: {
        "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",


When I am trying to using URLPattern I see such a performace hit so it seem right choice is to create some light router faster then anyone.

It have Guard and a Router Config file

Config file

First Check little simple route

import {
} from "";
export const _routes: _Routes = [
    path: "/text",
    child: [
        path: "/",
        handler: () => response.JSONF("GET"),
        handler: () => response.JSONF("POST"),


Method default is "GET" and path is "". So if you leave it blank you should know what you will get.

Other Parameters

For Netested child / group / crud can use.

For Permission Guard , roles and islogin can used


We have two type of handler first for restrictive route and secound for public. with params

// raw request passto handler
export type CallbackHandler = (
  request: Request,
  params: any[],
) => Promise<Response>;
// Session pass to handler
export type CallbackHandlerLogin = (
  session: Session,
  params: any[]
) => Promise<Response>;


islogin default is false if your route is login protected you should put

  { path: "/login", handler: AuthController.Status, islogin: true },
  { path: "/login", method: "POST", handler: AuthController.Login },
  { path: "/logout", method: "GET", handler: AuthController.Logout, islogin: true },
  { path: "/register", method: "POST", handler: AuthController.Register },

when islogin is true we first check for cookie and if it is in session pass to handler. if not Error 401


You need to add Islogin to guard work.

Guard are async function

if there is string it will return string as error 403.

guard?: () => Promise<false | string>;

Guard function

export const AuthGuard = async (): Promise<false | string> => {
  return await "Not Assesbile";

We Can use it like

import { response } from "../../repo/response.ts";
import { compile_routes } from "../../repo/router.ts";
import { _Routes } from "../../repo/Type.ts";
export const _routes: _Routes = [
    islogin: true,
    path: "/login",
    method: "GET",
    handler: AuthController.Status,
    guard: [AuthGuard],

Role function

islogin need to true to function

    islogin: true,
    path: "/login",
      handler: AuthController.Status
    guard: [AuthGuard],


We can create a Group for curd

This is just a Group with CRUD functionallity but can used as desired

const user = [
    path: "/user",
    guard: [AuthGuard],
    group: {
      GET: [
        { path: "", handler: UserController.all, guard: [AdminGuard] },
        { path: "/.+", handler: },
      POST: [
        { path: "", handler: },
        { path: "/.+", handler: UserController.update },
      PATCH: [{ path: "", handler: UserController.upsert }],
      DELETE: [{ path: "/.+", handler: UserController.delete }],

Shorthand for crud.

Crud has it meaning here is


c for create
r for read
u for update
d for delete
all for read all
where for read where
upsert is add in bulk
const user = { 
  path: "/user", 
  guard: [AuthGuard], 
  crud: ['c','r','u','d','all','where','upsert'] 

it is usuall work like

      GET: [
        ...user.crud.includes("all") &&
            [{ path: "", handler: user.class.all }] || [],
        ...user.crud.includes("r") &&
            [{ path: "/.+", handler: }] || [],
      POST: [
        ...user.crud.includes("c") &&
            [{ path: "", handler: }] || [],
        ...user.crud.includes("u") &&
            [{ path: "/.+", handler: user.class.update }] || [],
      PATCH: [
        ...user.crud.includes("upsert") &&
            [{ path: "", handler: user.class.upsert }] || [],
      WHERE: [
        ...user.crud.includes("where") &&
            [{ path: "", handler: user.class.where }] || [],
      ...user.crud.includes("d") &&
          { DELETE: [{ path: "/.+", handler: user.class.delete }] } || {},

Yes i made sin to create new Method where

It compile with compile_routes()

export const routes = compile_routes(_routes);

So basically it is record

export type Routes = Record<string, Route[]>;

Router/Framework Flow

deno router excalidraw

Model and update

Documentation Update Soon Example as below


import { Model } from '../../repo/Model.ts';
import { relation } from '../../repo/type.ts';
import { Account_attribute$ } from './Account_attribute.ts';
import { Account$ } from './Account.ts';

class Standard extends Model {
  name = 'account_attribute_value';
  table = 'account_attribute_values';
  nullable: string[] = ["id"];
  fillable: string[] = ['name','enable','account_attribute_id','account_id'];
  model: string[] = ["name","enable","id","created_at","updated_at","account_attribute_id","account_id"];
  relationship:  Record<string,  relation>  = {'account_attribute':{'table':'account_attributes','name':'account_attribute_id','key':'id','callback':()=>Account_attribute$},'account':{'table':'accounts','name':'account_id','key':'id','callback':()=>Account$}};
export const Account_attribute_value$: Standard = new Standard().set('account_attribute_values');


import { response } from "../../../repo/response.ts";
import { Session } from "../../../repo/Session.ts";
import { Account_attribute_value$ } from "../../Model/Account_attribute_value.ts";
export class SuperAccount_attribute_valueController {
   static async all(session: Session){
      const account_attribute_value = await Account_attribute_value$.all().Item;
      return response.JSON({ account_attribute_value }, session);
   static async where(session: Session) {
      const req = await Account_attribute_value$.where(await session.req.json()).Item;
      return response.JSON({ req }, session);
   static async show(session: Session, param: string[]) {
      const req= await Account_attribute_value$.find(param[0].toString()).Item;
      return response.JSON({req}, session);
   static async store(session: Session){
      const account_attribute_value = await Account_attribute_value$.create([await session.req.json()]);
      return response.JSON({ account_attribute_value }, session);
   static async update(session: Session, param: string[]) {
      const account_attribute_value = await Account_attribute_value$.update(
      [{ id: [param[0]] }],
      await session.req.json(),
      return response.JSON({ account_attribute_value }, session);
   static async upsert(session: Session){
      const account_attribute_value = await Account_attribute_value$.create(await session.req.json());
      return response.JSON({ account_attribute_value }, session);
   static async delete(session: Session, param: string[]) {
      const account_attribute_value = await Account_attribute_value$.del([{ col: "id", value: [param[0]] }]);
      return response.JSON({ account_attribute_value }, session);