tgsnake is a modern MTProto framework for javascript or typescript.
github-repo telegram-chat

Don't forget to read our FAQ in our site!!

Example :

  • Installation :
npx create-tgsnake-app myapp
  • Simple Hello World :
const { Snake, shutdown } = require('tgsnake');
// import {Snake} from "tgsnake"
const bot = new Snake({
  apiHash: 'abcde', //your api hash
  apiId: 123456, // your api id
  logLevel: 'none', // logger level
});; //snake running
bot.on('msg.text', (ctx) => {
  //handle new message event.
  ctx.msg.reply('Hello World'); // reply with "Hello World"
  //console.log(ctx) // see json of message.
// Mandatory
// Before the program stops, the client will be turned off first. This is to ensure that the entire process has stopped completely.

More example you can found in our website.


Welcome, You can contribute to this project.


  • Fork this repo to your account.
  • Clone your fork repo using git.
git clone <your github repo url>

Cloning branch dev in your repo.

  • Edit and make something.
  • Pull new update from branch master original repo (this repo).
  • Push update to your branch master in fork repo.
  • Create pull request to branch master original repo from branch master frok repo.


Thanks to all the frameworks and references that I use, several people who helped in developing this framework that I cannot mention one by one.

Build with ♥️ by tgsnake dev.