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The superfast way to custom elements.

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  • via NPM

    npm i -g teddytags
  • Use

    • Just write your imaginary HTML:
      <icon src="assets/loader.png"></icon>
      <text>Loading your awesome app...</text>
    • Make a defintions file (say, tags.js) like this:
    import { TeddyTags } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/teddytags@latest?module";
    new TeddyTags("loader").set("div");
    new TeddyTags("icon").set("img");
    new TeddyTags("text").set("h1");
    • Add the file in your HTML like this (just make sure it loads after the document is ready):
    <script src="./tags.js" defer></script>
    • The output in your browser:
    <div id="loader">
      <img id="icon" src="assets/loader.png" />
      <p id="text">Loading your awesome app...</p>


We love contributions from the open-source community! If you are interested in contributing to this lovely preoject, submit a Pull Request right now. The Pull Request should:

  • Should pass all the tests made by the author
  • Should not hamper with the functioning of the code ( i.e making the code unrunnable)

We are happilty accepting contributions for our website for this project, teddy.js.org

For more information, check out the CONTRIBUTING.md file in this repository.

Common issues

Q : DOM manipulation not working

A : If your DOM manipulation scripts are in a file (say, event.js), then try adding the file below your tag definitions file with the defer attribute like this :

<!-- The tag defintions file -->
<script src="./tags.js" defer></script>
<!-- The DOM manipulation file -->
<script src="./event.js" defer></script>

For a working example, go to this gist.