
🦖 Powerful application framework for Deno.


  • Easy to use - Tappin does not include any complex OOP or SOLID principles. Tappin fully relies on functions.
  • Dependency Injection - DI is a powerful paradigm. Most powerful frameworks use DI as their core principle.
  • Extensible - Only Tappin's core is non-replacable, everything else can be easily replaced, thanks to Tappin's modularity principle.

Getting started

First, you will have to install Deno. We highly recommend you use the latest version available.

Create a directory for your project. Cd into that directory and initialize the project with the following command:

$ deno run -r -A https://tappin.deno.dev/ new

Replace new with help to get help on more commands.

Start project in development mode:

$ deno task start dinosaurs

dinosaurs is the name of the application to start. Tappin supports multiple applications out of the box.

note: you can also use TAPPIN_APP environment variable to start application.


Checkout CONTRIBUTING.md file for details.


Tappin is licensed under MIT license. Read more in LICENSE file.