
A lightweighted internationalization module for Deno that is simple to use.


Use double brackets {{some.variable}} to allow unsafe variable content
check unsafeButDoNotEscape example

import { t, load } from "https://deno.land/x/t_i18n/mod.ts";

load("en", {
  welcome: "Welcome",
  myName: "My name is {first} {last}",
  myNameNestedArgs: "My name is {user.name.first} {user.name.last}",
  this: {
    is: {
      nested: "this is nested",
      nestedWith: { args: "this should show nested arg named {arg.name}" },
  unsafe: "this is unsafe {html}",
  unsafeButDoNotEscape: "this is unsafe {{html}}",

t("en", "welcome"); // "Welcome");

t("en", "myName", { first: "Mouadh", last: "Hsoumi" }); // "My name is Mouadh Hsoumi"

t("en", "myNameNestedArgs", {
  user: {
    name: {
      first: "Mouadh",
      last: "Hsoumi",
}); // "My name is Mouadh Hsoumi"

t("en", "this.is.nested"); // "this is nested");

t("en", "unsafe", { html: '<img src="url" />' }); // "this is unsafe &lt;img src=&quot;url&quot; /&gt;"

t("en", "unsafeButDoNotEscape", { html: '<img src="url" />' }); // 'this is unsafe <img src="url" />'


t(locale: string, key: string, args?: Object)
Single phrase translation for a specific locale at a specific key. A data-containing object can also be passed as a parameter, allowing you to incorporate dynamic values into your translations.

load(locale: string, data: Object)
Load translation data for a particular locale.
