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Client-side CRUD operations between indexedDB and a server.


The following tools were used in this project:

  • idbx - an indexedDB wrapper

Getting started

import * as idbx from "";
import { SyncedDB } from "";

// create a database
const dbreq ='my-database', 1);

// create a store
dbreq.upgrade((event) => {
  const target = as IDBOpenDBRequest;
  const db = target.result;
  SyncedDB.createStore(db, "mystore");

// wait for DB to initialize
const db = await dbreq.ready;

// create a synceddb instance
const syncdb = new SyncedDB(db, "mystore", {
keyName: "id",
  // Default Settings:
  // url: location.origin,
  // autoSync: false,
  // createPath: "/api/create",
  // readPath: "/api/read",
  // updatePath: "/api/update",
  // deletePath: "/api/delete",
  // readAllPath: "/api/read_all",
  // syncPath: "/api/sync",

const result = await syncdb.create({
  title: "Awesome!",
  description: "Probably a reinvention of the wheel ;-P"
// case 1 (online): writes entry into the indexedDB store and send the entry to the server
//                  sync_action: "none", sync_status: "synced"
// case 2 (offline): writes entry into the indexedDB store and creates a temporary ID
//                  sync_action: "create", sync_status: "unsynced"


This project is under license from MIT. For more details, see the LICENSE file.

Made by Mario Stöcklein


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