
This project convert a folder or a RSS URL to Studio pack zip for Lunii device, see file structure below.

Supported OS: Windows / Linux / MacOS

Quick start

studio-pack-generator "my story folder OR a RSS URL"

will generate "my story" that can be imported in Studio


  • studio-pack-generator
  • studio-pack-generator "Musics"
  • studio-pack-generator "Encore une histoire"

Optional dependencies

  • ffmpeg : used to extract images from story mp3 files, increase volume of files, convert to the right format.
    → Use --skip-audio-convert and --skip-extract-image-from-mp3 to avoid this usage.
  • imagemagick : used to generate menu image files.
    → Use --skip-image-item-gen to avoid this usage.
  • picoTTS : used to generate menu audio files.
    → Use --skip-audio-item-gen to avoid this usage.

Install optional dependencies : sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y ffmpeg libttspico-utils imagemagick

Windows release of studio-pack-generator embeds these tools in zip file, and use Windows TTS instead of picoTTS.

Use "-miva" option to skip all generations that use these tools.

Install studio-pack-generator

Install binary from release page and run it :

studio-pack-generator-x86_64-linux            "my story folder or a rss url"
or  studio-pack-generator-x86_64-windows.exe  "my story folder or a rss url"
or  studio-pack-generator-aarch64-apple       "my story folder or a rss url"
or  studio-pack-generator-x86_64-apple        "my story folder or a rss url"

Or use Deno

This project is written in Typescript for deno runtime. Install deno :

Run from web directly (will be cached for the next launches) :

deno run -A "my story folder or a rss url"

Or install with deno :

deno install --name studio-pack-generator -A --unstable -f
→ and then run :  studio-pack-generator "my story folder or a rss url"

Or clone the repo and run with deno :

git clone
cd studio-pack-generator
deno run -A studio_pack_generator.ts "my story folder or a rss url"

Story folder structure

Simplest example, only 1 menu level, without audio/image of menus/items :

📂 Story folder
└── 📂 Choose a story         ← 📂 first menu
    ├── 🎵 the story 1.mp3      ← 📗 audio story
    ├── 🎵 the story 2.mp3      ← 📗 audio story
    └── 🎵 the story 3.mp3      ← 📗 audio story

Simple example, 2 levels of menus, without audio/image of menus/items :

📂 Story folder
└── 📂 Choose a character          ← 📂 first menu
    ├── 📂 Alice                     ← 📂 first choice of the first menu
    │   └── 📂 Choose a place          ← 📂 second menu
    │       ├── 🎵 the city.mp3          ← 📗 audio story
    │       └── 🎵 the jungle.mp3        ← 📗 audio story
    └── 📂 Bob                       ← 📂 second choice of the first menu
        └── 📂 Choose a place          ← 📂 second menu
            ├── 🎵 the desert.mp3        ← 📗 audio story
            └── 🎵 the jungle.mp3        ← 📗 audio story

studio-pack-generator will generate menu files, they could be manually overwritten, and the next studio-pack-generator run will not regenerate these files :

📂 Story folder
├── 🎵 0-item.mp3                     ← ⏩ story audio title, generated if missing
├── 🔳 0-item.png                     ← ⏩ story image title, generated if missing
└── 📂 Choose a character             ← 📂 first menu
    ├── 🎵 0-item.mp3                   ← ⏩ audio menu, generated if missing
    ├── 📂 Alice                        ← 📂 first choice of the first menu
    │   ├── 🎵 0-item.mp3                 ← ⏩ audio choice, generated if missing
    │   ├── 🔳 0-item.png                 ← ⏩ image choice, generated if missing
    │   └── 📂 Choose a place             ← 📂 second menu
    │       ├── 🎵 0-item.mp3               ← ⏩ audio menu, generated if missing
    │       ├── 🔳 0-item.png               ← ⏩ audio menu, generated if missing
    │       ├── 🎵 the city.item.mp3        ← ⏩ audio story title, generated if missing
    │       ├── 🔳 the city.item.png        ← ⏩ image story title, generated if missing
    │       ├── 🎵 the city.mp3             ← 📗 audio story
    │       ├── 🎵 the jungle.item.mp3      ← ⏩ audio story title, generated if missing
    │       ├── 🔳 the jungle.item.png      ← ⏩ image story title, generated if missing
    │       └── 🎵 the jungle.mp3           ← 📗 audio story
    └── 📂 Bob                          ← 📂 second choice of the first menu
        ├── 🎵 0-item.mp3                 ← ⏩ audio choice, generated if missing
        ├── 🔳 0-item.png                 ← ⏩ image choice, generated if missing
        └── 📂 Choose a place                ← 📂 second menu
            ├── 🔳 0-item.mp3               ← ⏩ audio menu, generated if missing
            ├── 🔳 0-item.png               ← ⏩ audio menu, generated if missing
            ├── 🎵 the desert.item.mp3      ← ⏩ audio story title, generated if missing
            ├── 🔳 the desert.item.png      ← ⏩ image story title, generated if missing
            ├── 🎵 the desert.mp3           ← 📗 audio story
            ├── 🎵 the jungle.item.mp3      ← ⏩ audio story title, generated if missing
            ├── 🔳 the jungle.item.png      ← ⏩ image story title, generated if missing
            └── 🎵 the jungle.mp3           ← 📗 audio story

There is no limit to the nesting of menus, for example :

📂 Story folder
└── 📂 Choose a character                 ← 📂 first menu
    ├── 📂 Alice                            ← 📂 first choice of the first menu
    │   └── 📂 Choose a place                ← 📂 second menu
    │       └── 📂 Building                    ← 📂 second choice of the first menu
    │       │   └── 📂 Choose the floor          ← 📂 third menu
    │       │       ├── 🎵 the floor 1.mp3         ← 📗 audio story
    │       │       └── 🎵 the floor 2.mp3         ← 📗 audio story
    │       ├── 🎵 the city.mp3                ← 📗 audio story : mix menus/stories is possible
    │       └── 🎵 the jungle.mp3              ← 📗 audio story : mix menus/stories is possible
    ├── 🎵 Bob.mp3                         ← 📗 audio story : mix menus/stories is possible


  • The first digit of file/folder name are ignored, it's useful to sort stories/menus.
  • To keep numbers in generated items : "- 3 petits cochons.mp3" or "12 - 3 petits cochons.mp3".
  • Image formats : png, jpg, bmp.
  • Audio formats : mp3, ogg, wav.


deno run -A studio_pack_generator.ts [options] <story path | RSS URL>    convert a folder or a RSS URL to Studio pack

      --help                         Show help                                                                 [boolean]
  -l, --lang                         the lang used to generate menu and items. Auto detected by default         [string]
  -i, --skip-image-item-gen          skip image item generation                               [boolean] [default: false]
  -a, --skip-audio-item-gen          skip audio item generation                               [boolean] [default: false]
  -v, --skip-audio-convert           skip convert audio (and skip increase volume)            [boolean] [default: false]
  -m, --skip-extract-image-from-mp3  skip extract item image from story mp3                   [boolean] [default: false]
  -z, --skip-zip-generation          only process item generation, don't create zip           [boolean] [default: false]
  -s, --skip-not-rss                 skip all except download RSS files                       [boolean] [default: false]
  -n, --auto-next-story-transition   go to next story of group at end of stories              [boolean] [default: false]


  • Generate studio pack from file tree.
  • Generate menu image/audio file if missing.
  • Extract image from mp3 file as story image in menu.
  • Increase audio volume of stories if needed.
  • Download podcast from a RSS url and generate the story tree, cut by parts of 10 stories.
  • Convert mp3 files to right format.
  • Generate story thumbnail.
  • Option to chaining the stories.


The folder .DENO_DIR and .lock.json are not necessary for the project to work, it just allows to save its dependencies.

Some dev command are listed in the scripts.yaml file, this file can be use with Velociraptor :

  • start: run studio_pack_generator.ts
  • test: launch tests
  • test-watch: launch tests on file change
  • lint: lint the code
  • fmt: format the code
  • bundle: bundle the project and its dependencies to dist/studio_pack_generator.js
  • bak-dep: backup the dependencies to .DENO_DIR and update .lock.json
  • gen-bin: generate the binaries
  • gen-cov: generate the test coverage