
Simple JSON store for Deno.


  • Fully test-covered and type-safe
  • Synchronous file system access by default and lazy on demand
  • Supports encryption of store files
  • Migration functions allow to grow over the time


import {Store} from '';

const counter =<number>({
    name: 'counter',
    default: 0

counter.set(counter.get() + 1);

console.log('Counter: ', counter.get());




Use the static method to open a store. If it doesn't exist yet, it creates one for you.

const store =<TypeOfStoreData>(options)

If you don't want to work type-safe you can specify any:

const untypedStore =<any>(options)

Available options are

Option Type Description
name string Name of the store. The store file name is derived from it. A store called books will create
filePath string Custom path to the store file in case giving it a name isn't enough, e.g. /tmp/my-file.json
default TypeOfStoreData When creating the store for the first time, it's initialized with this value. If default is not defined, it's an empty object.
encrypt string If set, encrypts the store file using the value of encrypt as a password. The encryption is not very strong. Don't rely on it.
lazyRead boolean If set to true, the store will not reload the store file on each read and write. This can lead to data corruption if two instances of Store access the same store file. You can manually trigger a reload by calling reload().
lazyWrite boolean If set to true, the store will not synchronize to disk after a write. You need to manually trigger the synchronization by calling sync(). Enabling lazyWrite will also enable lazyRead.
version number Number representing the iteration of your store data. It's used for migration. The default value is 1.
migrate Function The migrate function is used to upgrade your store's data model as your application grows. Read the topic Migration below.

If no name or filePath is specified the store file will be store.json.


Use set() to modify the data.

store.set({myValue: 42});


Use get() to access data in your store.

const value = store.get();


Use reload() to force the store to reload all data from the store file. This only makes sense when working with lazy options.


Use sync() to flush all unsychronized data from the Store instance to the store file. This only makes sense when working with lazy options.


Over the time the data model of your store might change. Therefor you can increase the version number in options. This version is 1 by default. Whenever a Store loads a store file with a version lower then the current, it trys to call the migrate function. This function can be defined in the options.

const store ={
    version: 2,
    migrate: async (oldData, oldVersion) => {
        return {
            books: oldData.bookEntries

You can use the oldVersion to handle different generations of data models.