
This is a steam trading library built for deno. I have followed DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager's library in a lot of features/functions in my library. However I have changed and improved some parts of it to my liking. This library is not tested and not used by myself yet (I use the DoctorMcKay's myself right now).

Currently only polling is supported (no steam-user like functionality).

The aim of this project was to improve security of the bot using deno's permission system.

Currently I don't have enough time to support this project due to personal life issues (I wont be available since ~ 20 FEB 2021 till around 2022). But I will try to merge pull requests if any is made after the end of march.


by using the exported createTradeManager function you can easily get it up and running through ts types I guess. I will add more docs as soon as I have the time.


This module doesn't have any tests And is in early stages, meaning there is possibly a lot of bugs, use at your own discretion.

Till stable v1.0.0 release, patch versions may contain a new feature or a fix, minor versions will indicate a breaking change.

Example Usage

import { createTradeManager, ETradeOfferState, TradeOffer } from "./mod.ts";

const tradeManager = await createTradeManager({
  language: "en",
  communityOptions: {
    username: "your_steam_username",
    password: "your_steam_password",
    sharedSecret: "your shared secret", // or a function that will return the generated code as a string,
    identitySecret: "your identity secret" // or a function that will return the generated key needed for requests,
  // use `getDescriptions: true` if you want item information like market_hash_name to be available when loading offers (does not affect getUserInventoryContents)
  // But know that if getting the descriptions fail, it will fail the whatever operation that needs retrieving offers.
  // it is `false` by default because it does extra requests unnecessarily for some use cases.
}, console.log);

tradeManager.on("unknownOfferSent", (offer: TradeOffer) => {
  console.log("unknownOfferSent: ",;

tradeManager.on("sentOfferChanged", (offer: TradeOffer) => {
  console.log("sentOfferChanged: ",;

tradeManager.on("receivedOfferChanged", (offer: TradeOffer) => {
  console.log("receivedOfferChanged: ",;

tradeManager.on("newOffer", (offer: TradeOffer) => {
    "newOffer: ",,
    offer.isGiftToMe() ? "(is gift)" : "(is taking items)",
  if (offer.isGiftToMe()) {
    console.log("accepted gift offer");
  } else {
    console.log("declined non-gift offer");

// example for making an offer

// Item data like market_hash_name should be always available, whether `tradeManager.getDescriptions` is true or not.
const data = await tradeManager.steamCommunity.getUserInventoryContents({
  appID: 440, // TF2
  contextID: "2",
  userID: tradeManager.steamID!, // our own steam id
  tradableOnly: false,

for (const item of data.inventory) {
  if (item?.market_hash_name?.includes("Vintage Flare Gun")) { // find an item named Vintage Flare Gun
    const off1 = tradeManager.createOffer(
      "", // your target user trade url
    ); // throws on invalid SteamID

    await off1.send(); // throws on failure

    // check the state of offer after sending it, if it needs confirmation, you can confirm it easily:
    if (off1.state === ETradeOfferState.CreatedNeedsConfirmation) { 
      console.log("created offer, needs confirmation");
      await off1.confirm(); // throws on failure
      console.log("confirmed offer");

// also you can confirm an offer id, if you have one:
await tradeManager.steamCommunity.confirmationService.allowOffer('yourofferid'); // throws on failure