SSE Codec

A module which provides encoding & decoding functionality for SSE Events (Server Sent Events), as well as providing some types.

Deployed to

Cross-Copiled by deno's dnt module and posted to npm as @codemonument/sse-codec

Imports in Deno

// uses 'latest' version 
import { encodeSSEEvent } from ""

// uses a specific version
import { encodeSSEEvent } from "";

Imports in Node

// install first via npm i -S @codemonument/sse-codec
import { encodeSSEEvent } from "@codemonument/sse-codec" 

Usage (same in Deno & Node)

See the test files for most elaborate usage descriptions. He'res the most important usage information.

Usage encodeSSEEvent

const sseString = encodeSSEEvent({
        name: "custom-event",
        data: "Some simple string data",
        id: "UID5346324874238475",
        retry: 5000,

Usage SSEStream class

  const sseStream = new SSEStream();

  sseStream.emit({ eventName: "event1" });
  sseStream.emit({ eventName: "event2" });

  // Example usage of the sseStream 
  // normally you would not read it yourself 
  // but pass the readable stream to something which uses it for something
  const reader = sseStream.readableStream.getReader();
  const chunk1 = await;
  const chunk2 = await;

  // close the sseStream after using it