
Spinosaurus is a ORM that can run in deno platforms and can be use with TypeScript. Its goal is to always support the latest TypeScript features and provide additional features that help you to develop any kind of application that uses databases - from small applications with a few tables to large scale enterprise applications with multiple databases. (this project is inspired by typeORM)


  • Supports both DataMapper and ActiveRecord (your choice)
  • Entities and columns
  • Database-specific column types
  • Entity manager
  • Repositories and custom repositories
  • Clean object relational model
  • Associations (relations)
  • Eager and lazy relations
  • Uni-directional, bi-directional and self-referenced relations
  • Supports multiple inheritance patterns
  • Cascades
  • Indices
  • Transactions
  • Migrations and automatic migrations generation
  • Connection pooling
  • Replication
  • Using multiple database connections
  • Working with multiple databases types
  • Cross-database and cross-schema queries
  • Elegant-syntax, flexible and powerful QueryBuilder
  • Left and inner joins
  • Proper pagination for queries using joins
  • Query caching
  • Streaming raw results
  • Logging
  • Listeners and subscribers (hooks)
  • Supports closure table pattern
  • Schema declaration in models or separate configuration files
  • Connection configuration in json / xml / yml / yaml / env formats
  • Database supports
    • Postgresql
    • MySql / MariaDB
    • Microsoft Sql Server
    • Oracle
  • Supports MongoDB NoSQL database
  • works in platforms
    • Deno
    • NodeJS
    • Browser
    • Electron
  • Language support
    • JavaScript
    • TypeScript
  • Produced code is performant, flexible, clean and maintainable
  • Follows all possible best practices
  • CLI

Scripts (Velociraptor)

Test all

deno run -qA https://code.velociraptor.run test

Test one

deno run -qA https://code.velociraptor.run test:one tests/unit/decorator_column_executor_test.ts

Test SQL

deno run -qA https://code.velociraptor.run test:sql

Test Executor

deno run -qA https://code.velociraptor.run test:exec


  • documentation
  • code coments
  • testing getMetadata, getTempMetadata, clearMetadata, clearTempMetadata create(...).columns() functions
  • testing primary column executor testing
  • testing generated column executor testing
  • column, unique, check alter testing
  • alter column (implement primary key and auto-increment)
  • testing for generate columns from entity in select using options
  • adding primary key column in each delete
  • adding documentation of select().from(Entity)
  • throw a error when @UpdateColumn property is not a Number type
  • adding interpolation list ( '"primaryKey" IN(:primaryKey)', { primaryKey: [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] })
  • implement in @InsertColumn, @UpdateColumn (value) and ({options}, value) params
  • does not update object without primary key in entity mode (updating a antity), create testing too
  • create a option in update entity option witch can update without a primary key
  • does not insert object with a primary generated property in entity mode
  • create a option in insert entity option witch can insert with a primary generated key
  • adding joinAndWrap, leftAndWrap, rigthAndWrap and exec testing, remember include in joinAndSelect, joinAndSelect, joinAndSelect as a option (wrap: boolean)
  • suport multiple connection
  • set insert primary column as options and add testing
  • set update primary column as options and add testing
  • set upsert primary column as options and add testing
  • change Spi to Param type name
  • rename a column, using index in @Column({ columnIndex: 3 })
  • create a method getOneOrFail, it throw a exeption if it does not have one row
  • reverse interpolate transform this user.name to "user"."name" | [user].[name] | user`.`name, this transformation depends on database type
  • create skip
  • create take
  • set maxExecutionTime as a option in select, insert, update, delete and transaction
  • Create @Data decorator
  • numeric param in groupBy, addGroupBy, orderBy, addOrderBy and set select definition internally
  • change from({ entity: Entity }) to from(Entity) on documentation
  • change param orderBy and addOrderBy strategic from ... to array