Terminal Spinners

Usage Examples


import { TerminalSpinner } from "https://x.nest.land/spinners@1.3.0/mod.ts";
import { sleep } from "https://x.nest.land/sleep@1.0.0/mod.ts";

const terminalSpinner = new TerminalSpinner("I will be back in about 3 seconds");

await sleep(3) // or any other async action that'll take some time
terminalSpinner.succeed("Action completed");


import { TerminalSpinner, SpinnerTypes } from "https://x.nest.land/spinners@1.3.0/mod.ts";
import { sleep } from "https://x.nest.land/sleep@1.0.0/mod.ts";

const terminalSpinner = new TerminalSpinner({
    text: "I will be back in about 3 seconds", // telling the user what is going on
    color: "red", // see colors in util.ts
    spinner: SpinnerTypes.arc, // check the SpinnerTypes - see import
    indent: 0, // The level of indentation of the spinner in spaces
    cursor: false, // Whether or not to display a cursor when the spinner is active
    writer: Deno.stdout // anything using the Writer interface incl. stdout, stderr, and files

await sleep(3) // or any other async action that'll take some time
terminalSpinner.succeed("Action completed");

Further Options

You can also update the parameters while spinning etc. :) Check the code for details - it should be self explaining.

Trigger Usage Examples

deno run https://x.nest.land/spinners@1.3.0/usage-example-basic.ts
deno run https://x.nest.land/spinners@1.3.0/usage-example-advanced.ts

Trigger Test Execution

deno test https://x.nest.land/spinners@1.3.0/test.ts


Credits to https://deno.land/x/kia as a lot of its MIT code is just used in this module.