Spin Pipeline

fluentci pipeline deno module deno compatibility

A ready-to-use CI/CD Pipeline for building and deploying your Spin applications to Fermyon Platform.

🚀 Usage

Run the following command:

fluentci run spin_pipeline

Environment Variables

Variable Description
SPIN_AUTH_TOKEN Your Fermyon Cloud Access Token.


Job Description
build Build your Spin application (Only Rust is supported at the moment).
deploy Deploy your Spin application to Fermyon Platform.

Programmatic usage

You can also use this pipeline programmatically:

import Client, { connect } from "https://sdk.fluentci.io/v0.1.9/mod.ts";
import { build, deploy } from "https://pkg.fluentci.io/spin_pipeline@v0.5.2/mod.ts";

function pipeline(src = ".") {
  connect(async (client: Client) => {
    await build(client, src);
    await deploy(client, src);
