
Fast speed test server and client for Deno runtime. Measures latency, download speed and upload speed.

To use this software, install Deno.

Running the server

Run the following command:

deno run -A https://speedtesting.deno.dev/server.ts

Congratulation, you now have a running speed test server! You can specify a custom port number:

deno run -A https://speedtesting.deno.dev/server.ts 1234

Running the client

To run a speed test against the default speed test server, run:

deno run -A https://speedtesting.deno.dev/client.ts

That command will measure latency, download speed and upload speed against https://speedtesting.deno.dev server.

You can set following flags to customize the execution:

  • server: speed test server URL (defaults to https://speedtesting.deno.dev)
  • pingCount: how many pings to do to measure latency (defaults to 100)
  • downloadMegabytes: how many megabytes of data to download during download test (defaults to 100)
  • uploadMegabytes: how many megabytes of data to upload during upload test (defaults to 100)
  • deadlineSeconds: maximum execution timeout for each subtest (defaults to 30 seconds)

Deno module

Speed test server and client are published as Deno modules at https://deno.land/x/speedtesting.

As such, both server and client may be used programatically within Deno environment outside of CLI.

Source code

Source code is available at https://github.com/karelklima/speedtesting.


MIT License

Copyright © 2021-present Karel Klima