Not ready for production

Soundify (ALPHA)

Soundify is a lightweight and flexible library for seamless communication with Spotify API, designed to work smoothly with TypeScript, Deno, Node.js, and client-side JavaScript. It's open source and provides an easy-to-use interface for accessing Spotify's data.

What makes this library special?

  • Multiplatform: You can use it with Node.js, Deno on the server, or with client-side JavaScript.
  • Modern: It leverages modern web APIs like native fetch, crypto, URLSearchParams and doesn't require any external dependencies.
  • Lightweight and treeshakable: It's designed to be as small as possible (exact size TBD).
  • TypeScript first: It's built with TypeScript and provides great support for it out of the box.
  • Comprehensive Spotify Auth support: It can handle all Spotify Auth flows and automatically refreshes access tokens.
  • Great docs: The library comes with extensive documentation and lots of examples to help you get started.


NPM npm.js/soundify-web-api

npm i soundify-web-api

Unfortunately, the soundify package on the NPM was already taken ;(

// For nodejs (server-side)
import { ... } from "soundify-web-api"

// For client-side javascript
import { ... } from "soundify-web-api/web"


// Import from denoland (recomended)
import { ... } from ""

// Import from github repo main branch 
import { ... } from "";

Gettings started

First of all, you should already have a Spotify app created. If not, go and create one here

Let's write "Hello world!" with soundify.

// main.js
import { getCurrentUserProfile, SpotifyClient } from "soundify-web-api";

const client = new SpotifyClient("YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN");

const user = await getCurrentUserProfile(client);

// If access token is valid it will output something like this
  id: '31xofk5q7l22rvsbff7yiechyx6i',
  display_name: 'Soundify',
  type: 'user',
  uri: 'spotify:user:31xofk5q7l22rvsbff7yiechyx6i'

But how to get your Access Token?

If you're new to Spotify, you can read more about it in the Spotify Authorization Guide.

Next, you can go to examples/node-express-auth or examples/deno-oak-auth and see the example http server code that will help you get your tokens.


This is how you can import specific authorization flow.

// Authorization code flow
import { AuthCode } from "soundify-web-api"
// Authorization code flow with PKCE
import { PKCEAuthCode } from "soundify-web-api"
// Client credentials flow
import { ClientCredentials } from "soundify-web-api"
// Implicit grant flow
import { ImplicitGrant } from "soundify-web-api"

Flows have similar functions and classes. For example getAuthURL, getGrantData and AuthProvider.


For authorization, you can simply use an access token and independently set a new access token after its expiration

import { SpotifyClient } from "soundify-web-api"

const client = new SpotifyClient("ACCESS_TOKEN")
// token expires

But if you need automatic refresh, you can create an AuthProvider.

import { AuthCode, SpotifyClient } from "soundify-web-api"

const authProvider = new AuthCode.AuthProvider({
  client_id: "SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID";
  client_secret: "SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET";
  refresh_token: "YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN";

const client = new SpotifyClient(authProvider)

Thatnk's ChatGPT for helping to create this readme ❤️