Snapper 📷

Snapper allows you to generate images of ANSI formatted text.

🚧 Project is WIP, expect breaking changes


Set up puppeteer

In the background the module uses deno Puppeteer, which is a wrapper around Puppeteer.

Follow the current setup steps, the basic setups should be something like:

PUPPETEER_PRODUCT=chrome deno run -A --unstable

$env:PUPPETEER_PRODUCT='chrome'; deno run -A --unstable


import { snap } from "";

await snap([
    {content: `\x1b[42m \x1b[1m\x1b[37mSnapper\x1b[39m\x1b[22m 📷  \x1b[49m`, imageSavePath: 'snapper.png', viewport: {width: 145, height: 35}},

To run it, you will need --allow-env, --allow-net, --allow-write, --allow-read, --unstable.

The result should be a png file placed into cwd+imageSavePath: result

When creating multiple images, provide your inputs to snap in bulk, otherwise, calling the function one-by-one will take a lot of time to finish.

To get whole image for the output, simply leave out the viewport property from the parameters.

height cuts the image, while a small width will result in the content wrapping


  • Try polyfill DOM+canvas, use xterm without puppeteer
  • Improve server, so it can be hosted as a standalone site