Sir Dez

Glorious SerDes for TypeScript

The library you can rely on,
For binary serialization and deserialization,
In Node, Deno, and the Web environment,
Which is simple and yet performant.

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  • 99% tree-shakable
  • Zero dependencies (small footprint)
  • Full Node, Deno and browser support
  • Super extensible
  • Easy to use
  • Performant

Perfomance comparison with other tools (ops/sec)



Expand for more details.

Node (Webpack, Babel, React, Svelte, Vue, Svelte...)

In the terminal with NPM

npm i sirdez

Or with Yarn

yarn add sirdez

In the code with ES Modules

import * as sd from "sirdez";

or with CommonJS

const sd = require("sirdez");
Web (without bundlers)

In HTML with UMD

<script src=""></script>

In an ES module script (statically)

import * as sd from "";

In an ES module script (dynamically)

const sd = await import(

In code (statically)

import * as sd from "";

In code (dynamically)

const sd = await import("");


Simple snippet of code

const person = sd.struct({
  name: sd.string(sd.utf8, sd.uint8),
  age: sd.uint8

const bytes = person.toBytes({
  name: "Bob",
  age: 23

const samePerson = person.fromBytes(bytes);

console.log({ bytes, samePerson });

Using TypeScript utilities

type Person = sd.GetType<typeof person>;

const bob: Person = {
  name: "Bob",
  age: 23



Help and suggestions are welcomed!