Sherlock-Deno 🕵️ - search users across 310+ websites

Screenshot Sherlock-Deno

Sherlock-Deno lets you quickly scan hundreds of websites for an username. 🕵️

This is an improved remake of the original project-sherlock by sdushantha.

🕵️ Why Sherlock-Deno?

  • Super fast
  • Extremely lightweight
  • Can be run without installation
  • Runs everywhere (Windows, macOS, Linux as executable/Docker/CLI command)
  • Runs all checks concurrently (asynchronous)
  • Cleverly looks through the response to determine if a user has an account (status code, redirect, page content)
  • Follows HTTP(S) redirections
  • Only uses the deno standard modules (colors, flags)
  • Secure by default (has only network permissions)


Latest Release Deno CI Deno Land Deno Version Code size vr scripts

🤔 How to use?

Simply install deno on your system with a single command. You can find the offical command here.

deno install --allow-net --reload -qfn sherlock

Verify the installation by typing sherlock

Without installation:

deno run --allow-net -q

Done! 🎉 You now have a running version of Sherlock-Deno.

📦 Executable file

Go to latest release and download the executable for Windows, MacOS or Linux.

🐳 Docker

Run docker run -it denoland/deno run -q --allow-net

🔄 How to update the CLI?

Deno caches the dependencies locally, so you have to rerun the installation command from here.

⚙️ Command Line Options

Argument Description
-h, --help Show help
-v, --version Show version number and active sites count
-a, --all Show all results
-t, --timeout Set timout for requests in seconds
-f, --format Select output format [json,pretty_json,csv]

✨ How to contribute?

If you encounter any issues please create an issue here but please look for existing issues first before creating a new one 😉

Feel free to create an issue if you have an idea what could be added next. Thanks in advance!

💻 How to install the source code?

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install Velociraptor
  3. Run vr run start

Done! 🎉 You now have a running version of the Sherlock-Deno CLI on your machine.

Development commands:

We use Velociraptor as our script runner.

Follow the installation instructions and then run vr to view all available commands.

Tip: You can find more info about the deno cli here.