Sherlock-Deno 🕵️ - search users across 295+ websites


Sherlock-Deno is a remake of the original sherlock by sdushantha with many advantages over its original.

Why use Sherlock-Deno?

  • Super lighweight
  • Runs all checks concurrently in multiple threads
  • Cleverly looks through the response to determine if a user has an account
  • Follows HTTP(S) redirections

Master-Branch Status

Deno CI

How to use?

Simply install deno on your system with one command. You can find the offical command here.

Without installation:

deno run --allow-read --allow-net

With installation:

deno install -n sherlock

Done! 🎉 You now have a running version of Sherlock-Deno.

Command Options

Argument Description
--help Show help
--version Show version number
-n, -u, --name, --username Username to look for
-m, --onlyMatching Only show matching results
-t, --timeout Set timout for requests in ms
-f, --format Select output format [json,pretty_json,csv]

How to contribute?

If you encounter any issues please create an issue here but please look for existing issues first before creating a new one 😉

Feel free to create an issue if you have an idea what could be added next. Thanks in advance!

How to install the source code?

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Run deno run --allow-read --allow-net main.ts

Done! 🎉 You now have a running version of Sherlock-Deno on your local machine.

Useful development commands:

  • deno lint --unstable - Runs a code linter to look for check the code style.
  • deno test - Runs all tests.
  • npm run pkg - Create a local executable on you current system in the root directory.

Tip: You can find more info about the deno cli here.