
jsr denoland deno doc Test

This module provides basic set operations. Most of codes are just translated from JavaScript code in MDN to TypeScript.



Check if the setA has no elements in common with setB.

import { assertEquals } from "";
import { isDisjoint } from "";

Deno.test("isDisjoint works properly", () => {
  assertEquals(isDisjoint(new Set("abc"), new Set("def")), true);
  assertEquals(isDisjoint(new Set("abc"), new Set("cde")), false);


Check if every elements in setA is in the setB.

import { assertEquals } from "";
import { isSubset } from "";

Deno.test("isSubset works properly", () => {
  assertEquals(isSubset(new Set("abc"), new Set("abcdef")), true);
  assertEquals(isSubset(new Set("abc"), new Set("def")), false);
  assertEquals(isSubset(new Set("abcdef"), new Set("abc")), false);


Check if every elements in setB is in the setA.

import { assertEquals } from "";
import { isSuperset } from "";

Deno.test("isSuperset works properly", () => {
  assertEquals(isSuperset(new Set("abc"), new Set("abcdef")), false);
  assertEquals(isSuperset(new Set("abc"), new Set("def")), false);
  assertEquals(isSuperset(new Set("abcdef"), new Set("abc")), true);


Create a new set with elements from the setA and the setB.

import { assertEquals } from "";
import { union } from "";

Deno.test("union works properly", () => {
  assertEquals(union(new Set("abc"), new Set("def")), new Set("abcdef"));
  assertEquals(union(new Set("abcdef"), new Set("def")), new Set("abcdef"));
  assertEquals(union(new Set("abc"), new Set("abcdef")), new Set("abcdef"));


Create a new set with elements common to the setA and the setB.

import { assertEquals } from "";
import { intersection } from "";

Deno.test("intersection works properly", () => {
  assertEquals(intersection(new Set("abc"), new Set("def")), new Set());
  assertEquals(intersection(new Set("abcdef"), new Set("def")), new Set("def"));
  assertEquals(intersection(new Set("abc"), new Set("abcdef")), new Set("abc"));


Create a new set with elements in the setA that are not in the setB.

import { assertEquals } from "";
import { difference } from "";

Deno.test("difference works properly", () => {
  assertEquals(difference(new Set("abc"), new Set("def")), new Set("abc"));
  assertEquals(difference(new Set("abcdef"), new Set("def")), new Set("abc"));
  assertEquals(difference(new Set("abc"), new Set("abcdef")), new Set());


Create a new set with elements in either the setA or setB but not both.

import { assertEquals } from "";
import { symmetricDifference } from "";

Deno.test("symmetricDifference works properly", () => {
    symmetricDifference(new Set("abc"), new Set("def")),
    new Set("abcdef"),
    symmetricDifference(new Set("abcdef"), new Set("def")),
    new Set("abc"),
    symmetricDifference(new Set("abc"), new Set("abcdef")),
    new Set("def"),


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