
Build binaries

the deno mascot dinosaur standing in the rain

A serial library written in TypeScript for Deno without any third party modules.

This library provides an interface for the communication with serial devices and doesn't use any third party modules. It uses C++ functions which are included in a dynamic link library or shared object. These functions are then loaded by deno to establish a serial connection and talk to the devices.


This library and the documentation are still work in progress!


  • Communication with serial devices.
  • Create multiple serial connections at the same time.
  • List available ports and their properties.
  • Set timeouts for both reading and writing.
  • All functions are async (currently not implemented yet).
  • Uses no third party modules.
  • Works on different operating systems (check compatibility for mor info).


OS Tested version Current state
Windows Windows 10 (x64) implemented
Linux Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS implemented

Examples - How to use

To use this library you need the following flags to run it:

  • --unstable
  • --allow-ffi


Get a list with all serial ports and their info that are currently available on your system.


import { Serial } from "./mod.ts";

// create new instance of a serial object
const serial = new Serial();

// get all available ports
const availablePorts = serial.getPortsInfo();

// console log the list

Example output:

  { name: 'COM1' },
  { name: 'COM2' },
  { name: 'tty/USB1' }


Send data to a serial device. For exampe to an Arduino.


import { Serial, baudrate } from "./mod.ts";

// create new instance of a serial object
const serial = new Serial();

// open the connection'COM1', baudrate.B9600);

// encode the message to a Uint8Array
const textToSend = 'Hello from TypeScript!';
const encodedTextToSend = new TextEncoder().encode(textToSend);

// send the message
serial.send(encodedTextToSend, encodedTextToSend.length);


Read data from a serial device. Again, in our example from an Arduino.

Depending on your Arduino board you may need to press the reset button on the board after uploading the sketch, in order to receive data.


void setup() {
  while (!Serial) {

void loop() {
  Serial.println("Hello from Arduino!");


import { Serial, baudrate } from "./mod.ts";

// create new instance of a serial object
const serial = new Serial();

// open the connection'COM1', baudrate.B9600);

// create a new buffer to store incoming bytes,
// in this example we want to read a maximum of 100 bytes
const bufferToRead = new Uint8Array(100);

// read data into the buffer, bufferToRead.length);

// decode the data from the buffer
const decodedTextToRead = new TextDecoder().decode(bufferToRead);

// console log the text

Example output:

Hello from Arduino!


import { Serial, baudrate } from "./mod.ts";

const serial = new Serial();

const availablePorts = serial.getAvailablePorts()

console.log('serial properties (available ports):', availablePorts);

console.log('serial properties (isOpen):', serial.isOpen);

console.log('',[1].name, baudrate.B9600));

const textToSend = 'Hello World!'
const dataToSend = new TextEncoder().encode(textToSend);

console.log('serial.write():', serial.write(dataToSend, dataToSend.length, 10, 10));

console.log('writing:', textToSend);

const dataToRead = new Uint8Array(20);

console.log('',, dataToRead.length, 10, 10));

console.log('reading:', new TextDecoder().decode(dataToRead));

console.log('serial.close()', serial.close());


char incomingBytes[10];

int charsRead = 0;

void setup() {
  while (!Serial) {

void loop() {
  int available = Serial.available();
  if (available > 0) {
    charsRead = Serial.readBytes(incomingBytes, available);



  • Big thanks goes out to @Katze719 who wrote most of the C++ files and functions!
  • Thanks to @AapoAlas for the great support and help on the Deno Discord!


Apache-2.0. Check LICENSE for more details. Feel free to contribute to this project.

Copyright 2023 © Max