Sequoia 🦕

A library for handling HTTP requests by using middlewares. Inspired by Oak



To use this library you obviously need Deno (v 1.30.3 or later) to be install on your machine. Check out the installation guide

Getting started

Using Sequoia might seem familiar to those who had some experience with Oak, Koa, Express or any other middleware library.

To get started you can use this example:

// example.ts
import { Application, Router, HTTPStatus, HTTPResponse } from ''

const app = new Application({ logging: true })
const router = new Router({ type: 'application/json' })

router.GET('/', (ctx) => {
    const agent = ctx.request.headers.get('User-Agent')
    ctx.response.headers.set('X-Powered-By', 'Sequoia')
    ctx.cookies.set('WebServer', 'Sequoia')
    return new HTTPResponse({
        status: HTTPStatus.SUCCESS,
        body: { ok: true, agent }


const APP_IP = Deno.env.get('APP_IP') ?? ''
const APP_PORT = Number(Deno.env.get('APP_PORT') ?? 8000)

    { hostname: APP_IP, port: APP_PORT },
    () => console.log('The sequoia server is up!')

To run this example just use:

deno run --allow-net --allow-env example.ts

After running this command the server is running, so you can go to http://localhost:8000 in your browser and there you can see the response which might look like this: { 'ok': true, 'agent': 'curl/7.85.0' }

To see more examples visit: examples