
A secure key/value storage using AES encryption for values using localStorage for Deno.


First, you need to import the SecretStore. After that, you just need to pass in the key that you wish to use to sign your data. Note: this only needs to be 16 characters. If you create a key longer than that, then it will just truncate the rest off. If you create a key shorter than that, then it will repeat the characters of your key and push them to the front of the string until it is 16 characters.

import { SecretStore } from "";

const store = new SecretStore({ key: "myawesomekey" });

await store.setItem("password", "my-secret-password");

// This is the encrypted value that any other application can access.
localStorage.getItem("password"); // d2eedcad9e0c285cb95d3c04381c60ae3ad99077642aecdb4c0781c2c0b8032b0e3ffac399060f803d86296a9c7d3d90

// The `SecretStore` automagically decrypts the data using AES and your key.
await store.getItem("password"); // my-secret-password

You can also pass in an iv into the SecretStore constructor which will be the initializer vector used in the encryption/decryption.


The API matches completely to the localStorage object, except that the getItem and setItem properties are asynchronous to allow for the cryptographic algorithms to run.


Unlicense (More open than MIT and in the Public Domain)