
An simple, small, and efficient router for Deno and Deno Deploy. loving memory of the Brits who still think that this is how you pronounce "router" :D


import { makeHandler, makeRoute } from ''
import { serve } from ''

const postRoute = makeRoute('GET /blog/posts/:slug', ({ params }) => {
    const postSlug = params.slug

    // ...

    return Response.json({ ... })

const handler = makeHandler([
    // Insert a route inline
    makeRoute('GET /', () => Response.json({ ... })),

    // ... or make use of a predefined route
    // Optionally add a catchall for 404s
    makeRoute('*', () => Response.json(
        { error: { code: 'NOT_FOUND', message: 'The request resource was not found' } },
        { status: 404 }

await serve(handler, { port: 8000 })